Page 18 - Banking Finance February 2023
P. 18


          Mutual Fund


          SEBI proposes rules for in-       ternational Organization of Securities  As per the provisions, trading mem-
                                            Commissions (IOSCO) principles once in  bers, upon  facing technical glitches
          dex providers
                                            two years, as per the proposed regu-  which lead to disruption of trading ser-
          The markets regulator said the index  lations.                       vices, can request for enablement of
          provider shall be a legal entity incor-                              the IRRA service.
          porated under Companies Act in the
                                            Sebi asks exchanges to set
          country of origin  and should  have a                                Demat accounts rise 34%
          minimum net worth of Rs 25 crore.  up Investor Risk Reduction
                                                                               to 10.8 crore in December
          The index provider will have to consti- Access platform
                                                                               The number of demat accounts rose to
          tute an  oversight committee for re-  Markets regulator Sebi asked stock
                                                                               10.8 crore in December 2022, a surge
          viewing  existing index design. The  exchanges to set up an Investor Risk
                                                                               of 34 per cent on yearly basis, on at-
          committee will also review any pro-  Reduction Access (IRRA) platform to
                                                                               tractive returns from the equity mar-
          posed changes to benchmark method-  give investors an opportunity to square
                                                                               kets, ease of account opening process
          ology.  The regulations said the index  off their position or cancel pending
                                                                               and increased financial savings.
          provider must have policies and proce-  orders in case of disruption of trading
          dures to manage conflicts of interest  services provided by trading members.  Also,  the incremental account addi-
          and to protect the integrity and inde-                               tions of such accounts were higher in
                                            It said in recent times, with increasing
          pendence of various functions per-                                   December in comparison with the pre-
                                            dependence on technology in the se-
                                                                               ceding three months, however, below
          formed in connection with determina-  curities market, there is a rise in in-
                                                                               the financial year 2021-22 (FY22) aver-
          tion of indices.
                                            stances of glitches in trading members'
                                                                               age run-rate of 29 lakh.
          In case an index provider is engaged in  systems, some of which lead to disrup-
          any other activity, the activity of index  tion of trading services and investor  The incremental additions of such ac-
          provider in general and the benchmark  complaints.                   counts  were  21 lakh in  December
                                                                               2022, compared to 18 lakh each in
          determination process in particular  "A joint platform to provide Investor
                                                                               October and November and 20 lakh in
          must be completely ring-fenced to pre-  Risk Reduction Access (IRRA) service
                                                                               September, according to an analysis by
          vent sharing or leakage of any sensitive  shall be developed by the exchanges to
                                                                               Motilal Oswal Financial Services.
          information, Sebi said. Index provider  provide the investors an opportunity to
          must document and make available  square off/close the open positions  This decline is mainly due to volatility
          publicly, the methodology for index  and/or cancel pending orders in case  seen in  2023 on account of Russia-
          calculation. The index providers must  of disruption of trading services pro-  Ukraine war, high-interest rate envi-
          be assessed by independent external  vided by the trading member," Sebi  ronment and rising inflation and hawk-
          auditors to evaluate adherence to In-  said in a circular.           ish  US  Federal  Reserve  policies,

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