Page 9 - Banking Finance September 2022
P. 9


          ing  from  climate  risks.  The  paper  time, non-official directors on the cen-  Rupee emerging as the second stron-
          comes in the wake of India's commit-  tral board of the Reserve Bank of In-  gest currency," he said.
          ments made at the COP26 summit.   dia.
                                                                               Recovery  agents  cannot
                                            Marathe and Gurumurthy have been
          RBI imposes Rs. 57.75-lakh        re-nominated for a further period of humiliate borrowers: RBI
                                            four years with effect from August 11,  The RBIhas tightened the guidelines to
          penalty on Suryoday small
                                            2022, or until  further orders, which-  be followed by loan recovery agents
          finance bank                      ever is earlier.                   acting on behalf of lenders. The new
          RBI has imposed a monetary penalty                                   guidelines bar recovery agents from
                                            For  Iyer and Chaturvedi, re-nomina-
          of Rs. 57.75  lakh on Suryoday Small                                 engaging in public humiliation of bor-
                                            tions are for a period of four years af-
          Finance Bank Ltd. (SSFB) for non-com-                                rowers or calling them before 8 am or
                                            ter completion of their present tenure
          pliance with its directions on "frauds                               after 7 pm.
                                            on September 18, 2022, or until fur-
          classification and reporting by com-
                                            ther orders, whichever is earlier.  Issuing the guidelines, the central bank
          mercial banks and select FIs".
                                                                               said that certain recent developments,
          The examination of the Inspection Re-                                including growing incidents of unac-
                                            India can sustain 2.5%-3%
          port (IR) and all related correspon-                                 ceptable practices followed by recov-
                                            deficit: RBI
          dence pertaining to the Statutory In-                                ery  agents, were the reason for the
          spection of the bank (conducted by RBI  India  can sustain  a  current  account  new guidelines.
          with reference to its financial position  deficit (CAD) of 2.5% to 3% of the gross  In  a  speech  in  June,  RBI  governor
          as on March 31, 2019) revealed, inter  domestic product (GDP) without get-  Shaktikanta Das had said, "We have
          alia, non-compliance with the afore-  ting into an external crisis, RBI deputy  received complaints of customers be-
          said RBI directions, per a central bank  governor Michael Patra said. He added  ing contacted by recovery agents at
          statement.                        that India  would also require  to re-  odd hours, even past midnight. There
                                            verse the trend of decelerating savings  are also complaints of recovery agents
          The non-compliance with the afore-
                                            rate, which began in 2012-13.      using foul language."
          said directions was to the extent the
          bank failed to (i) furnish FMR (fraud  He was speaking at an event organized  The RBI has taken serious note of this
          report) to RBI, with respect to certain  by  the RBI to celebrate 75 years of  and would not hesitate to take action
          cases of fraud, within three weeks of  Independence  (Azadi  ka  Amrit  against errant regulated entities (REs),
          their date of detection, and (ii) refer  Mahotsav) in Bhubaneshwar. Patra's  he added.
          to  State  Police  authorities  certain  statement comes at a time when some  "The RBI, as part of guidelines on Fair
          cases of fraud committed by its staff,  forecasters are warning that the CAD  Practices  Code, has already advised
          RBI said.
                                            could exceed 3% of the GDP this year  REs that they should not resort to in-
          In furtherance to the same, the cen-  because of widening gap between ex-  timidation or harassment of their bor-
          tral bank said a notice was issued to  ports and imports. Trade deficit hit a  rowers or calling them on phone at odd
          the bank advising it to show cause as  monthly high of $30 billion in July.  hours in their debt collection efforts,"
          to why a penalty should not be im-                                   the  RBI  said.  Currently,  there  are
                                            Patra highlighted the inherent strength
                                                                               guidelines on permissible hours for call-
          posed on it for failure to comply with
                                            of the Indian currency, pointing out
                                                                               ing borrowers on the phone for recov-
          the said directions, as stated therein.
                                            the purchasing  power using the Big
                                                                               ery purposes regarding housing finance
                                            Mac index.
          RBI board gets 4 indepen-                                            companies and microfinance loans.
                                            "In terms of purchasing power parity,
          dent directors                    the exchange  rate  appreciates with RBI reserves digital lending
          The central government has re-nomi-  the prosperity of a nation and a rise in
                                                                               space for  regulated enti-
          nated  Satish  Kashinath  Marathe,  its productivity. The Indonesian Rupiah
          Swaminathan  Gurumurthy,  Revathy  is set  to become the  strongest cur-
          Iyer, and  Sachin Chaturvedi  as part-  rency  in the world, with  the  Indian  In its effort to mitigate the concerns
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