Page 40 - Insurance Times December 2023
P. 40

Fire Hazards, Case

          Studies, Safety

          Requirements &

          Acumens for Insurance                                                          Anabil Bhattacharya

                                                                                            Insurance Consultant
          Underwriting                                                        B.M.E. (Honors) (Jadavpur University)
                                                                                         & F.I.I.I. (I.I.I.), Mumbai,
                                                                                           Former Chief Manager
                                                                                           H.O., N.I.C.L., Kolkata.

           The  discovery  of  the  fire  led  to  the  extraction  of  metals  using  smelting  techniques  and
           manufacturing  of  tools,  weapons  and machinery  from  the  extracted  metals. This  results in
           succession to the Metal Age from the Stone Age. Mythologies across the world & also in India
           depicted the utility of fire.

          1. Prologue:                                        believed the fire to be a symbol of divinity, while it was
                                                              considered as a symbol of superiority and control in Egypt.
          Fire is among one of the early discoveries of mankind. It is
          believed to have been discovered in the Early Stone Age by  The ancient Greeks believed that Prometheus donated fire
          our ancestors. The discovery of fire was the vital turning  to the humans for civilization by stealing it from the Gods.
                                                              Worshipped as the God 'Agni' in Hinduism, fire signifies the
          point for human evolution. Fire has always been an integral
          part of our daily lives since the primitive age. It acted as a  primordial power to consume, transform and convey and
                                                              forms a part of the 'Panchabhuta' which is the basis of
          source of warmth for early humans making their survival
                                                              material existence.
          easy in harsh weather conditions that allowed them to settle
          in temperate areas from tropical and sub-tropical areas. It
          also acted as a source of light and an aid for protection from  Fire is treated as the symbol of purity in many religions and
          animals in the dark permitting them to conduct their night-  mythologies.  It  is  believed  that  fire  and  agricultural
                                                              implements helped the early Vedic people to change from
          time activities in pitch darkness. Some believed that fire
                                                              pastoral to agriculturists' regime and laid the foundation of
          initiated the sense of sharing and communal behaviour in
          early humans.                                       the Aryan civilization. Through the medieval and modern
                                                              times, fire has helped human civilization to flourish and
                                                              prosper. While playing the role of harbinger of civilization
          Fire was also used for cooking bringing about a shift from
          raw food to cooked diet. The discovery of the fire led to the  as we know it, fire has also proved to be one of the most
                                                              destructive phenomena known to humankind. Fire can be
          extraction  of  metals  using  smelting  techniques  and
                                                              extremely harmful if not dealt with carefully. It can cause a
          manufacturing of tools, weapons and machinery from the
          extracted metals. This results in succession to the Metal Age  huge number of deaths, injuries and property loss.
          from the Stone Age. Mythologies across the world & also in
          India  depicted  the  utility  of fire.  It  is  considered the  As said, fire is a very good servant but a ruthless master. It
                                                              can  even  adversely  affect  the  environment  and  the
          strongest force in the universe and is often associated with
          divine origin. For instance, the Chinese and the Hebrews  ecosystem by generating a large amount of smoke pollution

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