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         Cut-off  time  for  uploading  of  GST,              3. All other instructions of the said Master Circular remain
         ICEGATE and TIN 2.0 luggage files

                                              March 13, 2024  Reporting and  Accounting  of  Central
         1. Please refer to para 10 on ‘Reporting of transactions Government transactions for March 2024
             by agency banks to RBI’ of ‘Master Circular on Conduct                               March 13, 2024
             of Government Business by Agency Banks - Payment of
             Agency Commission’ dated April 1, 2023.          1. Please refer to Circular DGBA.GBD.No.S1469/42-01-
                                                                 029/2022-2023 dated March 16, 2023 advising the pro-
         2. It has been noticed that several agency banks have
                                                                 cedure to be followed for reporting and accounting of
             been requesting RBI for extension of time for upload-
                                                                 Central Government transactions (including CBDT,
             ing of luggage files pertaining to GST, ICEGATE and TIN
             2.0 receipts beyond the cut-off time of 1800 hours pre-  CBIC, Departmentalized Ministries and Non-Civil Min-
             scribed by O/o Principal Chief Controller of Accounts,  istries) at the Receiving/Nodal/Focal Point branches of
             Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs and O/o   your bank for the Financial Year 2022-23.
             Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of  2. The Government of India has decided that the date of
             Direct Taxes. In this regard, it is advised that no exten-  closure of residual transactions for the month of March
             sion will be granted by RBI beyond the cut-off time for  2024 be fixed as April 10, 2024. In view of the ensuing
             submission of luggage files as per extant guidelines is-  closing of Government accounts for the financial year
             sued in this regard. Accordingly, the modified paragraph  2023-24, receiving branches including those not situ-
             10 will read as follows:                            ated locally, should adopt special arrangements such
                                                                 as courier service etc., for passing on challans/scrolls
             “10. Reporting of transactions by agency banks to RBI:
             After the operationalisation of NEFT 24X7 and RTGS  etc., to the Nodal/Focal Point branches so that all pay-
             24X7, agency banks authorised to collect Goods and  ments and collections made on behalf of Government
             Service Tax (GST), Custom and Central Excise Duties  towards the end of March are accounted for in the
             (ICEGATE) and Direct Taxes under TIN 2.0 channel shall  same financial year. These instructions regarding spe-
             upload their luggage files in RBI’s QPX/e-Kuber on all days  cial messenger arrangements may please be informed
                                                                 to all branches concerned.
             except the Global holidays, which are January 26, Au-
             gust 15, October 2, all non-working Saturdays, all Sun-  3. As regards reporting of March 2024 transactions by
             days and any other day declared holiday by RBI for Gov-  Nodal/Focal Point branches in April 2024, the branches
             ernment Transactions due to exigencies. It is to be en-  may be advised to follow the procedure as outlined in
             sured that these luggage files are uploaded in RBI’s QPX/  the Annex. To sum up, the nodal/Focal Point branches
             e-Kuber on or before 1800 hours prescribed by O/o Prin-  will be required to prepare separate set of scrolls, one
             cipal Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Board of Indi-  pertaining to March 2024 residual transactions and an-
             rect Taxes & Customs and O/o Principal Chief Controller  other for April transactions during the first 10 days of
             of Accounts, Central Board of Direct Taxes. No exten-  April 2024. The Nodal/Focal Point branches should also
             sion in cut-off time will be allowed to agency banks by  ensure that the accounts for all transactions (revenues/
             RBI beyond 1800 hours for uploading of these luggage  tax collections/payments) are effected at the receiving
             files in QPX/e-Kuber”.                              branches up to March 31, 2024 in the accounts for the

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