Page 7 - Insurance Times June 2019
P. 7


          Third party motor insur-          IRDAI asks Cos to cap bonuses of top executives, link
          ance  may  further  hit           variable pay
                                            The variable pay of CEOs, managing  After withholding on signing off on last
          Auto sector
                                            directors and executive directors of  year's bonuses, a detailed note has
          Insurance regulator IRDAI's proposal
                                            insurers  must  be                               been sent on regard-
                               to  increase
                                            based on  their  per-                            ing computing of bo-
                               third  party
                                            formance  vis-à-vis                              nuses and what fac-
                               (TP)  motor
                                            that of the industry,                            tors need to be taken
                                            said  the  insurance                             in before finalizing the
                               from  10  to
                                            regulator.  It  also                             pay outs.
                               20% on dif-
                                            asked them to set an
                                                                                             As  per  the  informa-
          ferent segment will come into effect.
                                            upper  limit  for  bo-
                                                                                             tion received from the
          This is likely to hit auto sector badly
                                            nuses so that boards
                                                                                             sources, requests for
          as it is already reeling under impact
                                            do not hand out special deals to top
                                                                               revision of remuneration or any of the
          of slow down and fuel hike, said ex-
                                                                               fixed pay and variable components will
          perts, adding that the hike is being
                                            Bonus of some of the CEO's has been  not be entertained by the regulator
          opposed by transporters' association
                                            refused to be approved by the Insur-  after the end of the year.
          citing various reasons.
                                            ance  Regulatory  and  Development
                                                                               The pay-bonus proposals will require
          Usually, third party motor insurance  Authority of India (IRDAI) in the life
                                                                               to clearly specifying the fixed pay and
          rates are declared from April 1st of  insurance segment, as the proposals
                                                                               variable components and the maxi-
          every financial year, but this year it  did not quantify the maximum payable
                                                                               mum variable pay as well. Where any
          was not in effect due to Lok Sabha  amount, making it  hard to  analyze
                                                                               variable pay component is structured
          elections, but now it will be imple-  between fixed and variable pay.
                                                                               as noncash, such as options, the basis
                                            The sources also informed that the  for arriving at  the number  of such
          Reacting over this IRDAI proposal,  bonus proposals had also come after  options together with the granting
          GirishVagh, Head, commercial ve-  the end of the financial year. The RBI  price or date must be specified.
          hicles, Tata Motors, said, "The slow-  previously proposed to prescribe a
                                                                               "While the proposals need to clearly
          down in auto sector has come due  threshold for variable compensation
                                                                               specify the fixed pay and variable com-
          to several reasons and insurance is  for the CEOs and whole-time directors
                                                                               ponents as also the maximum variable
          one minor fact. In commercial ve-  of private and foreign banks.     pay, it is also necessary that the perfor-
          hicles, our customer buy vehicles for  Source said, "IRDAI has issued a fresh  mance grid/parameters together with
          business after witnessing that their  circular asking the companies to com-  weights are clearly specified and map-
          operate economics is better, and  ply with the compensation structure  ping between the performance grid,
          they will have profit after paying EMI  and  it  does  not  want  them  to  ap-  achievement matrix and applicable per-
          on monthly basis and see if freight  proach the regulator after the end of  centage of variable pay component is
          is available."                    the financial year."               given," IRDAI said in its circular.
                                                                           The Insurance Times, June 2019    7
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