Page 14 - Insurance Times January 2023
P. 14
Out-patient care insurance health during the pandemic, and this Liberty conducted the medical camps
will be a key area of work for us going in association with various Hospitals
Star Health and Allied Insurance has
forward," said Anurag Behar, chief and multi-specialty healthcare provid-
launched the new "Star Out Patient
executive officer, Azim Premji Founda- ers such as Thunga Hospital, KIMS
Care Insurance Policy". This policy aims
tion, in an email response. "Our focus Group of Hospitals, Apollo Spectra,
at providing complete health and
will be on improving the health of Shalby Hospitals, Sharp Sight Eye Hos-
wellness benefit to customers at an
underserved communities across geog- pitals, Indian Pain & Spine Hospital,
affordable cost, with an entirely digi-
raphies. Health is a public good and, Park Hospital, and VRH Hospital among
tal claims processing journey, a state-
therefore, strengthening public health many others. Over 3,200 people visited
ment said. Star Out Patient Care Insur-
systems will be central to our ap- the medical camps to avail facilities,
ance policy is a standalone cover aimed
proach. In addition, where there are including various consultations and
at the overall well-being of the cus-
gaps, we will address those, both by tests, such as eye check-ups, and ECG,
tomer by providing access to doctors,
establishing our institutions and by blood sugar and blood pressure moni-
clinics and diagnostic centres pan India.
working with civil society organiza- toring tests, among others.
tions. Health education and research
There is low awareness about Health
Premji Foundation to en- will also emerge as critical areas of
Insurance and common concerns re-
ter healthcare lated to it are the right age to buy, the
More than two decades after setting right amount of coverage, parameters
Liberty General Insurance to consider before selecting a policy
up Azim Premji Foundation to improve
etc. These health camps also aimed at
teaching in government schools, the Organises 42 Health and
simplifying the underlying nuances of a
country's most generous billionaire has
Wellness Camps Across Health Insurance policy. Health is a
turned his attention to healthcare for
the poor. the Country state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the
The foundation will soon set up primary In a bid to create awareness about
absence of disease or infirmity. These
health check-ups and promote the im-
healthcare clinics in some of India's
health camps were very helpful in cre-
portance of having a Health Insurance
most backward towns, which will be
ating health-related awareness.
policy, Liberty General Insurance, one
followed by multi-specialty hospitals
of the fastest growing General Insur- Speaking about the health & wellness
and a medical university, two execu-
ance companies in India organised 42 initiative, Mr. Rahul Sharma, President
tives aware of the development said.
health and eye camps in Tier I, II, & III - Claims, Liberty General Insurance,
This decision to make healthcare its
cities for police officials, and several said, "The population living in India's
second focus area marks the biggest
motor dealers and their customers in mofussil districts and sub-tiered towns
change in the history of the founda-
CY2022. These camps were organised and villages often tends to neglect
tion, which was set up in 2001.
under Liberty Health 360 - an in-house their health as they do not get access
"We have done significant work on claims management system. to basic medical facilities.
12 January 2023 The Insurance Times