Page 62 - Insurance Times January 2023
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Index of Articles Published during the period

                     January 2022 to December 2022 in our Journal

                                   "The Insurance Times"

          January 2022                      4   Operational Risk Management in  April 2022
          1  Investing in service supply chain  outsourcing  activities  in  a  1  Motor Insurance – In the midst
             to drive insurance penetration in  particular industry               of technology disruption
             india, improve persistency ratio   Aditi Patwardhan                  Aditya Ojha & Prof. Manoj Kumar
             & contribute to the nation's well                                    Pandey
                                            5   Expectations from Union Budget
             being                                                             2  Women Insurance - Neglected &
                                                2022-23 for the Insurance Sector
             Venkatesh Ganapathy                                                  Disowned
                                                - An Economists Perspective
          2  Tone  at  the  top:  Should  Risk                                    Dr. K Raja Gopal Reddy
                                                Dr. Tapas Kumar Parida
             Management  Department  be                                        3  Some important  dimensions  of
             Directly Responsible to Board of  6  Identify  the Top  Emerging Risks  Investments by  Indian Non-life
             Directors than CEO                 and  Possible  ways  to  mitigate  Insurers
             Tirath Raj Mendiratta                                                S H Gejji
                                                those  Risks
          3  Non-life insurance industry slips  Deepti Raghav                  4  Role  of  Risk  Management
             further  in  emerging  markets                                       Professionals  in  Emerging
                                            March 2022
             league                                                               Economies
             Jagendra Kumar                 1   Insurance Product Development     Afreen Fatima
          4  Role  of  Risk  Management         in the Digital World           5  Insuring  Rural  India:  Problems,
             professionals  in  emerging        Sreejith M & Roshni Chandar       Prospects, and Strategies
             economies                                                            Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sharma
                                            2   Major  International  Sporting
             Parivesh Khandelwal
                                                                               May 2022
                                                Events  and their Insurance  and
          February 2022                                                        1  Domestic  and  Overseas  Travel
                                                                                  Insurance in India - An analysis
          1  Application    of    Artificial
                                                Nandita Banerjee
                                                                                  Nandita Banerjee
             Intelligence  in  the  General
             Insurance Sector               3   Biggest  Risk  Management      2  How Restoring Water Damaged
             Ms. Gaurangi Bhatnagar &           Failures                          Assets is Determining Business
             Ms. Prachi Dhir                    S. G. Afzal Biya Bani             Continuity
                                                                                  Deepak Pahwa
          2  Why  climate  change is  driving
                                            4   Gone  are  the  days  where
             major  changes  to  insurance                                     3  Let's Drive Safely- Its a Detariff -
                                                Customers' wait was Unending to
             supervision  and  regulations  in                                    Zone
                                                hear back from Motor Insurer
             the US?                                                              Sanjay Singh
                                                Jagendra Kumar
             Praveen Gupta
                                                                               4  Role  of  Risk  Management
                                            5   Operational Risk Management in    Professionals  in  Emerging
          3  Sustainable  future, need of the
             Present!                           IT Outsourcing Activities         Economies
             Deepak Choudhary                   Deepali Venkatesh Gawda           Ajit K Gopal
                                                                        The Insurance Times  January 2023  53
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