Page 12 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 12
Niva Bupa Health Insur- through certification and better hu- in October revised the rates of around
man resource systems; and enable ef- 400 procedures under the scheme and
ance new campaign ficient access to medicines and diag- added a new medical package related
Niva Bupa Health Insurance (formerly nostics. to black fungus management, describ-
known as Max Bupa Health Insurance), "All 11 districts of the state will ben- ing the move as one that "will
one of India's leading standalone efit from the project. It will also ben- strengthen the empanelled hospitals to
health insurers, has just announced a efit health sector staff at the primary provide better healthcare services".
campaign, titled 'Zindagi Ko Claim Kar and secondary levels by strengthening Treatment worth Rs 25,000 crore has
Le'. This is the first campaign from the their planning and management capa- been provided under the scheme,
company since it rebranded itself as bilities and building their clinical skills. which was launched on September 23,
Niva Bupa in July this year.
The project will enable women to bet- 2018.
With the campaign, Niva Bupa is try- ter utilize healthcare services at the Aiming at easing the cash flow of hos-
ing to bring about the idea that health community level," the finance ministry pitals, Sharma said, the turnaround
insurance is for freedom, and not con- said in a statement. time in terms of reimbursing the ex-
straints. The campaign has been cre- The finance ministry further said penditures of the hospitals will be re-
ated by Glue Creatives and captures strengthening and expanding health duced significantly. "The time for reim-
real life situations. It showcases how care systems is a priority for the gov- bursement will be reduced from 15 to
health insurance enables people to ernment and the project will enhance 10 days as it will be attractive for hos-
accumulate experiences and build
the management and quality of health pitals to join."
services in the state. "It will also help Also, hospitals that have never been
The campaign is made with an intent expand the coverage of health services charged with "fraud" will be given
to change the way health insurance is and make it accessible and affordable more benefits. "We plan to disburse
perceived by people. The three films in to the poor and vulnerable in the half of their claims as soon as they sub-
the campaign have been directed by state," it added. mit the request," Sharma said.
celebrated director Shlok Sharma, who
has assisted Vishal Bhardwaj on mov- Ayushman Bharat set for Working out an ambitious plan for a
ies like 'Omkara' and was the second bigger rollout of the Ayushman Bharat
unit director on 'Gangs of Wasseypur' recast with faster reim- scheme to cover more beneficiaries
franchise. bursement, incentives for this year, the NHA has already issued
4 crore Ayushman Bharat cards in the
hospitals last 11 months. Around 17 crore cards
India, World Bank sign
Ayushman Bharatthe world's largest have been generated so far - 10.66
agreement to strengthen public health insurance scheme, is set crore PM-JAY cards and 5.85 crore
health systems in for a recast with the objective of bring- state cards.
ing more private hospitals on board to
Meghalaya increase its foothold. Omicron: Centre issues
The Indian government and the World The National Health Authority (NHA),
Bank have signed a $40 million project which implements the scheme offi- advisory
to improve the quality of health ser- cially known as Ayushman Bharat Central government on directed states
vices in Meghalaya and strengthen the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB and union territories to increase vac-
state's capacity to handle future PM-JAY), has designed several incen- cination coverage amid concerns over
health emergencies, including the the potentially more contagious new
tives to attract more hospitals.
covid-19 pandemic. Omicron variant of coronavirus de-
"We have to increase the tected in some countries recently.
The Meghalaya Health Systems empanelment of hospitals. More hos-
Strengthening Project will enhance the pitals should come on board to create Apart from this, the Centre has also
management and governance capabili- a balance from both demand and sup- asked to enforce intensive contain-
ties of the state and its health facilities; ply side," RS Sharma, Chief Executive ment, and active surveillance mea-
expand the design and coverage of the Officer at NHA sures.
state's health insurance program; im- Centre has asked all states and union
prove the quality of health services Working on the same, the government territories to conduct rigorous screen-
12 The Insurance Times, December 2021