Page 19 - Banking Finance April 2023
P. 19


          not only as skilled labourers but also as  property services provider. He further  will be brought under the purview of
          successful entrepreneurs.         stated that there is a huge demand for  the Liberalised Remittance Scheme
                                            content-techsolutions produced from  (LRS) of the Reserve Bank, to ensure
          Over 1,000 women are associated with
                                            India for the world as well as within the  that such expenses do not escape TCS
          "Dannex"  or  Dantewada  Next,  the
                                            local market as well.              (Tax Collection at Source). While mov-
          unit  engaged  in  manufacturing
                                                                               ing the Finance Bill 2023 for consider-
          readymade garments.               "There is an entire industry emerging
                                                                               ation and passage in the Lok Sabha,
                                            that will train AI algorithms to capture
          They come from interior villages of the
                                                                               Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
                                            data,use and store it safely and ethi-
          district that were  cut off from the
                                                                               said the Reserve Bank has been asked
                                            cally. We see generative AI as just an-
          mainstream of the society because of
                                            other source of content, which our cli-  to look into ways to bring credit card
          Maoist violence.
                                                                               payments on foreign tours under the
                                            ents and our consumers are going to
          A senior official associated with the                                LRS.
                                            have to kind of trust, and be dealt with
          project said the traditional practice of
                                            in different ways," said El-Mokadem.
          providing  employment  to  women
                                            RWS finds increasing requests for ac-  GST appellate tribunal to
          meant recruiting them by imparting
                                            cess  to  local  markets.  Coco-Cola, be formed
          knowledge of a specific technical skill.
                                            Nielsen and Jaguar Land Rover are
          But the Chhattisgarh government has                                  Lok Sabha cleared changes in the Fi-
                                            among the large clients serviced by
          come with an innovative approach and                                 nance Bill to pave the way for setting
                                            the company globally.              up of an appellate tribunal for resolu-
          established industries not just to pro-
                                                                               tion of disputes under GST.
          vide employment to women, but also
                                            TDS on online gaming to
          to hand over the entire management                                   Currently, taxpayers are filing writ pe-
          to them.                          be applicable from April 1         titions  before high courts in the ab-
                                                                               sence of the appellate tribunal.
          With this vision, the brand Dantewada  The tax deducted at source (TDS) on
          Next or "Dannex" was started.     online gaming applications will now be  As per the amendments proposed in
                                            effective from April 1, 2023 as opposed  the  Finance  Bill  2023,  which  was
          On January 31, 2021, the first unit of
                                            to an earlier proposed date of July 1,  passed by Lok Sabha benches of the
          Dannex was inaugurated by chief min-
                                            2023, according to amendments made  GST Appellate Tribunal would be set up
          ister Bhupesh  Baghel at Haaram vil-
                                            to the Finance Bill,  2023 which  was  in every state while there will be a
          lage under Gidam development block
                                            passed in Parliament.              principal bench in Delhi which will hear
          in Dantewada district. After Haaram,
                                                                               appeals related to 'place of supply'.
          now a total of five units of Dannex  The gaming industry had earlier called
          have been established in Katekalyan,  for  making  the  change.  Shashi  Even after  more than five years of
          Chhindnar, Barsur,  and Kaarli in the  Mathews, Partner, IndusLaw said, "The  implementation of the Goods and Ser-
          same district.                    TDS on the online gaming was also  vices Tax (GST), the appellate tribunal
                                            proposed to be deducted at the double  has not been set up. As a result, unre-
                                            rate, in case of non-compliance in re-  solved legal matters under GST have
          AI training solutions will
                                            turn filing by the concerned deductee,  accumulated.
          drive demand for tech tal-        where the TDS amount in the past
                                                                               Nangia Andersen India's Tanushree
          ent: RWS                          year was more than Rs 50,000. It ap-  Roy, Director- Indirect Tax, said estab-
                                            pears that these amendments have
          AI training solutions for industry and                               lishment  of the appellate  tribunal
                                            now been accepted. This may require
          enterprise-specific use cases will drive                             would result in lower burden on high
                                            gaming operators to seek an undertak-
          talent demand with the growing preva-                                courts, Supreme Court and at the same
                                            ing and proof from the users, to ensure
          lence of generative AI solutions even                                time, would also provide taxpayers the
                                            proper compliance with this provision".
          as globaltech companies  slow down                                   much needed reprieve.
          hiring, Ian  El-Mokadem, CEO, RWS                                    "This is certainly a welcome and a posi-
                                            Credit card use for travel
          Group, told.
                                                                               tive move, ending the industry's long
          RWS Group is  a  technology-enabled abroad under LRS ambit           wait for establishment of the GST Ap-
          language, content  and intellectual  Credit card payments for foreign travel  pellate Tribunal," Roy said.
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