Page 41 - Banking Finance April 2023
P. 41
ndia has taken a mega leap in mobile telephony by 5G is expected to revolutionise connectivity, reinvent overall
joining a select group of countries who provide 5G customer experience and therefore it is going to have
telephony. The next generation 5G or the 5th profound impact on the banking, education, health,
I generation mobile network has been rolled out in India agriculture, and many other sectors. It will spearhead the
which is 10 to 100 times faster than its predecessor 4G. 5G next wave of digital disruption. With 5G, superfast digital
is characterised by "Higher Speed, Lower Latency and connectivity will be a new normal and consumers will begin
Enhanced Connectivity". It sets a new wireless standard by to expect and demand the same fast banking experience.
delivering low latency, reliable high data capacity
connections and has potential to transform digital landscape On the other hand, banks will also ride the 5G bandwagon
in a disruptive way. India has played a catch-up game as far to improve the speed of digital transformation in banking,
as 3G and 4G are concerned but government wants India enhance the customer experience, explore new revenue
to be a front runner in 5G. Indian telecom companies are streams and achieve greater cost efficiency. Its impact will
hopeful of covering major part of India by the end of 2023. be all pervasive as it will transform backend processes,
It is estimated that by 2025, there will be more than 2.8 physical branches, customer experience and finally banking
billion 5G connections in the world. ecosystem itself. High speed 5G networks will carryout
complex banking tasks in real time and help them improve
the efficiency of their websites and apps.
About the author
Hyper personalized IoT device enabled banking services and
Ajay Chandra Pandey products which will be the backbone of future banking will
AGM and Faculty
get better support from 5G and integration of devices like
SBICRM, Gurugram
phones, wearables, and even cars to deliver uniform