Page 6 - Banking Finance April 2023
P. 6


          total  working hours have  to be in-  After remaining in deficit mode for 17  structure  Mission  (PM-ABHIM),
          creased by  40 minutes per day, accord-  days, RBI absorbed Rs 18,256.53 crore  launched in October 2021.
          ing to the circular issued by the All In-  of liquidity on February 28 on  a net
                                                                               It said one of the loans will prioritise
          dia Bank Employees' Association.  basis. Between February 8 and Febru-
                                                                               health service delivery in seven states-
                                            ary 27, the average daily infusion by
          At the bilateral meeting between the                                 Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Meghalaya,
                                            the  RBI  into  the  system  was  Rs
          Unions and IBA on February 28, it was                                Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Uttar
                                            27,107.82 crore.
          agreed upon that to enforce a five-day                               Pradesh-in addition to the national
          work week, "it has emerged that the  While  the  net  absorption  number  level interventions.
          total working hours can be increased  shows  the surplus liquidity which is
                                                                               One of the loans will support efforts to
          by 40 minutes per day with cash trans-  being sucked out of the system by RBI,
                                                                               prepare India's surveillance system to
          actions from 10 am to 4 pm and non-  net injection reflects the deficit. Liquid-
                                                                               better detect and report epidemics of
          cash transactions upto 4-30 pm."  ity in the banking system refers to the
                                                                               potential international concern and
                                            readily available cash that banks need
          With the proposal getting IBA's nod, it                              ensure rapid response, among others.
                                            to meet short-term business and finan-
          will be sent to the finance ministry and                             The other loan will support govern-
                                            cial needs.
          subsequently to the Reserve Bank of                                  ment efforts to bolster service delivery
          India (RBI) for approval.         "Essentially, it (liquidity surplus) is be-  through  a  redesigned  primary
                                            cause  of  the  deposits which  have  healthcare model.
          SBI completes commercial          started increasing due to rise in inter-
                                            est rates. At the same time, there is Big  domestic  deposits
          trade in Sri Lankan rupees
                                            some kind of slowdown in credit de-
          State Bank of India said it completed                                cushion Indian banks
                                            mand," Bank of Baroda Chief Econo-
          its first non-dollar transaction with Sri                            The collapse of Silicon Valley  Bank
                                            mist Madan Sabnavis said.
          Lanka, by paying  for  exports in Sri                                (SVB)  has  spooked  banking  stocks
                                            Many banks have increased their de-  worldwide. With the US  Federal Re-
          Lankan rupees as India looks to bring
                                            posit rates after the RBI raised the  serve (Fed) embarking upon an inter-
          countries that are short of U.S. dollars
                                            repo rate by 250 basis point (bps) to  est-rate increase spree to tame infla-
          into the trade mechanism.
                                            6.50 per cent since May 2022.      tion, the Street fears that the SVB cri-
          The move comes as Sri Lanka grapples
                                                                               sis-triggered largely due to asset-liabil-
          with its worst economic crisis since its  The weighted average domestic term
                                                                               ity mismatch - is only the beginning.
          independence, triggered by a shortage  deposit rate (WADTDR) on outstanding
          of dollars.                       rupee term deposits of scheduled com-  Amid rout in global banking stocks, the
                                            mercial banks increased by 12 basis  Bank Nifty Index - a gauge for the per-
          Banking system liquidity          points from 5.78 per cent in December  formance of leading Indian banks has
                                            2022 to 5.9 per cent in January 2023,  dropped over 4 per cent in just two
          turns surplus  on  higher
                                            the latest RBI data showed.        trading sessions.
          deposit  growth,  govt
                                                                               While banking stocks will continue to
          spending                          World Bank commits $1 b            remain under pressure as the SVB cri-
                                                                               sis unravels, analysts believe Indian
          The banking system liquidity has be-  to  India  for  enhancing
                                                                               banks' deposit mix provides the requi-
          come surplus in the last few days on
                                            public healthcare infra            site cushion.
          higher deposit accretion and increase
                                            The World Bank will extend two comple-
          in the government spending.                                          "Amid all the doom and gloom in glo-
                                            mentary loans of $500 million each to
          The Reserve Bank of India  (RBI) ab-                                 bal banks and a contagion impact from
                                            India to bolster public healthcare infra-
          sorbed on an average Rs 70,933.8 crore                               the SVB issue, banks in India stand out
                                            structure in the country.
          of liquidity from the system on a daily                              with hardly any exposure - directly or
          basis between February 28 and March  In a statement, the multilateral body  indirectly to SVB. It remains a domes-
          7. The net liquidity absorption by RBI  said its combined financing of $1 billion  tic deposit-funded system, with invest-
          stood at Rs 1.14 lakh crore on March 5  will support India's  flagship Pradhan  ments in Indian government securities
          and Rs 1.05 lakh crore on March 4.  Mantri-Ayushman Bharat Health Infra-  (G-secs).

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