Page 9 - Banking Finance September 2024
P. 9


         tives. "No specific factor was mandated  ing days to speed up payments and  M V Rao, chairman, Indian Banks' As-
         for authentication, but the digital pay-  enhance efficiency in the system.  sociation (IBA) & managing director &
         ments  ecosystem  has  primarily   At present, cheque clearing through  CEO, Central Bank of India said "on
         adopted SMS-based OTP as AFA.      Cheque Truncation System (CTS) oper-  realisation-settlement" will benefit the
         While OTP is working satisfactorily,  ates in a batch processing mode. Un-  public in general.
         technological  advancements  have  der the proposed system, cheques will
         made available alternative authentica-  be cleared within a few hours on the  RBI mandates fortnightly
         tion mechanisms," RBI said.        day of presentation. This will speed up  credit information report-
         RBI believes that the primary factor  cheque payments and benefit both the
         for authentication should be some-  payer and the payee.              ing
         thing the user knows (such as pass-  The cheques will be scanned, pre-  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) man-
         word, passphrase, PIN), something the  sented, and passed in a few hours and  dated the frequency of credit informa-
         user has (such as card hardware or  on a continuous basis during business  tion reporting to fortnightly basis as a
         software token) something the user is  hours. The clearing cycle will reduce  measure to boost transparency in the
         (fingerprint or any other form of bio-  from the present T+1 days to a few  system. This will be effective from Janu-
         metrics).                          hours. Detailed guidelines in this re-  ary 1, 2025, the banking regulator said
                                            gard will be issued shortly, RBI said in  in notification.
         Now,  cheques  to  be              a statement accompanying the Mon-
                                                                               Currently, credit institutions (CIs) are
         cleared in a few hours             etary Policy Review.
                                                                               required to report the credit informa-
         Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has pro-  The new system is expected to im-  tion of their borrowers to credit infor-
         posed continuous clearing of cheques  prove cheque clearing efficiency, re-  mation companies (CICs) at monthly or
         with  'on-realisation-settlement'  duce settlement risk for participants,  such  shorter intervals  as mutually
         Cheque Truncation System, instead of  and enhance customer experience,  agreed between the CI and CICs.
         the current clearing cycle of two work-  RBI said.
                                                                               While announcing the monetary policy
                                                                               review Shakitkanta Das, Governor, RBI
           RBI proposes risk-based pricing for deposit cover
                                                                               said, "It is proposed to increase the
           RBI has proposed risk-based pricing for bank deposit insurance. The reason-  frequency of reporting of credit infor-
           ing is that stressed banks could face rapid deposit withdrawals through digi-  mation to a fortnightly basis or at
           tal channels, as quick dissemination of information through social media  shorter intervals. Consequently, bor-
           could accelerate bank runs.
                                                                               rowers  will  benefit  from  faster
           "The implementation of risk-based premium for deposit insurance merits con-  updation of their credit information,
           sideration. By tying insurance premiums to the level of risk posed by individual  especially when they repay their loans.
           financial institutions, deposit insurers can incentivise banks to adopt stronger  The lenders, on their part, will be able
           risk management practices," RBI deputy governor Swaminathan J said.  to make better risk assessments of
           He was speaking at a conference organised by the International Associa-  borrowers."
           tion of Deposit Insurers.                                           Experts says this will lead to better
           The deputy governor's statement comes at a time when there is a fight for  underwriting decisions by the lenders
           deposits among banks with credit growth outpacing deposits. "The 24/7  while ensuring faster resolution of
           availability of online and mobile banking can heighten vulnerabilities, po-  consumer disputes. Rajesh Kumar, MD
           tentially accelerating bank runs and liquidity crises during periods of stress.  & CEO, Trans Union CIBIL said, "CICs
           Further, this behaviour is amplified with the emergence of digital sources of  will be able to update credit records
           influence, such as social media platforms," said Swaminathan.       faster and this will translate into more
           At present, the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation pro-  updated  data  being  available  for
           vides insurance cover up to Rs 5 lakh per depositor which is payable when  making informed lending decisions by
           a bank fails.                                                       lenders."

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