Page 58 - Banking Finance October 2024
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          target of 2.5% of the insured deposits  that DICGC has  that premiums must be based on the risk profile of the
          set. It is especially outrageous in the case of commercial  insured entity, and larger banks do not have to subsidize
          banks.                                              the claims of cooperative banks.

          DICGC  and  RBI  must  reevaluate  premiums  paid  by  In case  of bank failure, RBI  has demonstrated alacrity
          commercial banks, which hold a majority of the insured  in working out a safety net, as  seen in the case of Yes
          deposits but  have significantly  lower  risk profiles than  Bank. The  probability  of public sector banks requiring
          cooperative banks. If the insurance premium of 12p per  bailouts is almost nil as the government owns them. The
          Rs. 100 insured is reduced to 3p for commercial banks,  likelihood of private sector banks requiring bailouts is also
          this will provide them a relief of about Rs. 20,000 crore  relatively low,  as  evidenced by data. Still,  if  one is in
          in 2025-26. The premium for cooperative banks can be  trouble, RBI has enough tools to ensure it is safely reset.
          lifted up to 15p, the maximum the law allows.       High insurance premiums are not required.
          This  will  reduce  DICGC's  gross  2025-26  revenue  by  Excessive  regulation  and  compliance  costs  in  banking
          about Rs. 20,000 crore and revenue surplus after tax by  must  be  reduced  to  improve  efficiency.  RBI  and  the
          about Rs. 15,000 crore. However, with balance premium  government have done exceptionally  well in developing
          revenue along  with investment income, DICGC will get  tools  to  manage bank failures.  They must  ensure  that
          an estimated Rs. 24,000 crore in pre-tax revenue, which  commercial banks do not bear the high compliance costs,
          is still a significant surplus. Reducing the premiums for  which are  ultimately  passed on to depositors and good
          low-risk banks will send a clear message to the economy  borrowers and drag down the economy. (Source: Mint)

                 Mobile tariffs have come down by 95% in the last 10 years:

                                         Telecom Minister Schindia

           In the last 10 years, mobile tariffi rates have come down by 95 per cent in terms of voice calls and 97 per cent in
           terms of data, Minister of Telecommunications Jyotiraditya Scindia said. “The tariffi in India has come down from 51
           paise to 3 paise, which is a 95 per cent drop. One GB of internet bandwidth has gone down from Rs. 297 per GB to
           Rs. 8.7 per GB over 10 years, which is a 97 per cent drop.”

           “On the other hand, moving from 3G to 4G and 4G to 5G, telcos have undertaken a capex of ?4.26 lakh crore just
           only over the last two fiscals. If you put in more investments, there has to be a return,” Scindia said when asked
           about tariffi increase impact on affiordability of mobile services. In July, the three private telecom operators — Bharti
           Airtel, Reliance Jio (Jio) and Vodafone Idea (Vi) — had increased entry-level tariffis by 11-25 per cent. Airtel and Vi
           have increased their entry-level tariffis more than 100 per cent in the last three years from about Rs. 99 to Rs. 199,
           for around a month-long use of mobile service.
           Post tariffi increase in July, BSNL has seen a surge of over 29.47 lakh subscribers while the three private telecom
           operators together lost 38.65 lakh mobile customers. “Our telecom sector is a robust sector, a sector where we
           have four players. There are very few countries in the world that have four players within the telecom sector in their
           country alone; India is one of them and I look at a very strong telecom sector also, moving forward... I would cer-
           tainly hope that BSNL also has a very strong role to play in that,” Scindia said while speaking on the achievements in
           the first 100 days of the third term of the NDA government led by
           Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He also said around 36,000 mobile towers for BSNL 4G services had been installed,
           adding that BSNL will complete the installation of one lakh towers for 4G service by mid-2025. When asked about
           the financial health of the telecom sector after the Supreme Court rejected Vi’s petition on adjusted gross revenue
           (AGR), Scindia said the sector is extremely robust with four players. “The judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court
           has just come out. It has been a couple of days. At this point in time, whatever the Supreme Court has ordained,
           according to that the process has to be executed. We are still going through the process of examining that and see
           what the repercussion of that is going to be,” Scindia added.

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