Page 123 - Operations Strategy
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                          Figure 3.2  Efqm excellence model

                                       People – how the organisation   People results – this covers
                           Leadership – how   manages, develops and   employees’ motivation,
                           leaders develop   releases the knowledge and   satisfaction, performance and
                           and facilitate the   full potential of its people  the services the organisation   Key performance
                           achievement of the                         provides for its people  results – this shows
                           mission and vision,           Processes – how                the financial and
                           develop values                the organisation
                           required for                  designs, manages               non-financial
                                                                                        outcomes of the
                           long-term success   Policy and strategy – how the   and improves its   Customer results – this   organisation’s
                                       organisation implements its
                           and implement                 processes in order   includes customers’ loyalty   planned
                           these through   mission and vision through a   to support its policy   and their perceptions of the   performance,
                                       clear stakeholder-focused
                           appropriate actions           and strategy and   organisation’s image, product
                           and behaviour, and   strategy, supported by relevant   fully satisfy, and   and services, sales and   including such
                                                                                        things as cash flow,
                           are personally   policies, plans, objectives,   generate increasing   after-sales support  profit, meeting
                                       targets and processes
                           involved in ensuring          value for, its                 budgets, success
                           that the                      customers and other            rates and the value
                           organisation’s   Partnerships and resources –   stakeholders  Society results – this relates
                           management   how the organisation plans and   to the organisation’s   of intellectual
                           system is   manages its external           performance as a responsible
                           developed and   partnerships and internal   citizen, its involvement in the
                           implemented  resources to support its policy   community in which it
                                       and strategy and the e
ective   operates, and any recognition
                                       operation of its processes     it may have received
                                            Enablers                             Results
                           assertion out, look at Deming’s (one of the quality ‘gurus’) 14 points. These are, in many
                           ways, a summary of his and other authorities’ ideas on quality. In order to translate these
                           different elements onto the operations strategy matrix, we have listed each of Deming’s
                           14 points followed by the operations strategy decision areas to which they relate:
                             1  Plan for a long-term commitment to quality (development and organisation).
                             2  Quality must be built into the processes at every stage (process technology, supply
                               network, development and organisation).
                             3  Cease mass inspection (process technology, supply network, development and
                             4  Do not make purchase decisions on price alone (supply network, development and
                             5  Identify problems and work continuously to improve the system (supply network,
                               development and organisation).
                             6  Implement  SPC  and  quality  training  (process  technology,  development  and
                             7  Institute leadership and a human-centred approach to supervision (development
                               and organisation).
                             8  Eliminate fear (supply network, development and organisation).
                             9  Break down barriers between departments (supply network, development and
                           10  Stop demanding higher productivity without the methods to achieve it (capacity
                               strategy, process technology, supply network, development and organisation).
                           11  Eliminate performance standards based solely on output (capacity strategy, process
                               technology, supply network, development and organisation).
                           12  Remove barriers to pride in workmanship (development and organisation).

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