Page 16 - Operations Strategy
P. 16

LIST OF FIgureS, TAbLeS And exhIbITS FrOm CASe STudIeS   xv
                             Figure 7.11   The Nonaka and Takeuchi knowledge model                  261

                             Figure 7.12   Process control may be one of the most operational tasks,
                                           but it can bring strategic benefits                      263

                             Figure 7.13   Deploying operations capabilities to create market potential
                                           means ensuring that the operations function is expected
                                           to contribute to market positioning                      264

                             Figure 7.14   The four-stage model of operations contribution          267
                             Figure 8.1    Issues covered in this chapter                           272
                             Figure 8.2    The relationship between creativity, innovation and
                                           design                                                   274
                             Figure 8.3    The S-shaped curve of innovation                         274
                             Figure 8.4    The Henderson–Clark Model                                275

                             Figure 8.5    The increasing strategic importance of product and service
                                           development                                              277

                             Figure 8.6    The link between product/service and process development
                                           can be closer in service industries                      282
                             Figure 8.7    Operations strategy analysis for product and service
                                           development                                              287
                             Figure 8.8    A typical ‘stage model’ of the product and service
                                           development process                                      288

                             Figure 8.9    (a) The idealised development funnel (b) The development
                                           funnel for one company                                   291

                             Figure 8.10   (a) Sequential arrangement of the stages in the development
                                           activity (b) Simultaneous arrangement of the stages in
                                           the development activity                                 292
                             Figure 8.11   Slow or delayed development times, which can be
                                           the result of quality or flexibility failures, will increase
                                           costs and can reduce revenue                             297
                             Figure 8.12   The ‘vicious cycle’ of under-resourcing development capacity   299
                             Figure 8.13   Organisation structures for design processes             305

                             Figure 9.1    This chapter concerns the formulation and implementation
                                           stages of the process of operations strategy             309

                             Figure 9.2    In operations strategy ‘fit’ is the alignment between market
                                           and operations capability                                311
                             Figure 9.3    Align operations resources with market requirements or align
                                           market positioning with operations resources capabilities   313
                             Figure 9.4    Alignment over time at CAG Recycling Services            317
                             Figure 9.5    ‘Fit’ is concerned with ensuring comprehensiveness,
                                           correspondence, coherence and criticality                325

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