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308 CHAPTER 8 • PRoduCT And sERviCE dEvEloPmEnT And oRgAnisATion

                            notes on the chapter

                             1  Trott, P. (2011) Innovation management and new product development. Harlow, UK: Pearson
                             2  Henderson, R.M., and Clark, K. B. (1990) ‘Architectural innovation: The reconfiguration of
                              existing product technologies and the failure of established firms’, Administrative Science Quar-
                              terly, 35(1), pp. 9–22.
                             3  Goodwin, L. (2015) ‘How to bust the biggest myths about the circular economy’, The  Guardian,
                              12 March; Clegg, A. (2015) ‘Sustainable innovation: Shaped for the circular economy’,  Financial
                              Times, 26 August; Company website, Newlife Paints.
                             4  Sources include: Tovey, A. (2015) ‘Airbus’s A380 a “superjumbo” with a future or an aero-
                              space white elephant?’, Daily Telegraph, 18 January; The Times (2006) ‘Timeline – Airbus A380
                              superjumbo’, 26 October; BBC News website (2006) ‘Q&A: A380 delays’, 30 October; BBC
                              news  website (2007) ‘Q&A: Airbus job cuts’, 28 February; Peggy Hollinger, P. and Wiesmann,
                              G. (2008) ‘Airbus is hampered by cultural differences’, Financial Times; The Economist (2008)
                              ‘ Airbus Marathon man’, 17 July; The Economist (2008) ‘Boeing and Airbus – Swings and rounda-
                              bouts’, 27 November.
                             5  Baldwin, C.Y. and Clark, K.B. (1997) ‘Managing in an age of modularity’, Harvard Business
                              Review, Sept–Oct.
                             6  Mass customisation was first fully articulated in Pine, B.J. (1993) Mass Customisation: The new
                              frontier in business competition. MA: Harvard Business School Press. Also see Hart, C.W.L. (1995)
                              ‘Mass customisation: Conceptual underpinnings, opportunities and threats’, International
                                Journal of Service Industry Management, 6 (2).
                             7  Ahlström, P. and Westbrook, R. (1999) ‘Implications of mass customisation for operations
                              management’, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 19 (3).
                             8  Lehnerd, A.P. quoted in Pine, B.J. (1993) op.cit.
                             9  Sources include: The Economist (2012) ‘The last Kodak moment?’ 14 January; Wright, M. (2010)
                              ‘Kodak develops: A film giant’s self-reinvention’, Wired Magazine, 15 February.
                           10  Sources include:Doran, J. (2006) ‘Hoover heading for sell off as Dyson sweeps up in America’,
                              The Times, 4 February.
                           11  Sources  include:  Ahmed,  M.  (2012)  ‘Apple  nearly  ditched  the  iPhone,  designer
                              admits’,  The Times, 31 July; Breillatt, A. (2012) ‘You Can’t Innovate Like Apple’,
                           12  von Hippel, E. (1988) The Sources of Innovation. New York: Oxford University Press.
                           13  Thomke, S. and Reinertsen, D. (1998) ‘Agile product development’, California Management
                              Review, 41(1).
                           14  Thomke, S. and Reinertsen, D., op.cit.
                           15  Sources include: Jervell, E. (2013) ‘The Long, Slow Process of IKEA Design’, Wall Street Journal,
                              14 October.
                           16  Sources include: Foy H (2014) ‘BMW and Toyota team up to develop sports car’, Financial Times,
                              13 January; Robert Lea, R. (2011) ‘BMW and Toyota link up to crack electric car challenge’, The
                              Times, 2 December.
                           17  von Hippel, E., Churchill, J. and Sonnack, M. (1998) Breakthrough products and services with
                              lead user research. New York: Oxford University Press.
                           18  von Hippel, E. et al., op.cit.
                           19  Iansiti, M. and MacCormack, A. (1997) ‘Developing products on internet time’, Harvard
                                Business Review, Sept–Oct.
                           20  Clark, K.B. and Fujimoto, T. (1991) Product Development Performance. Boston, MA: Harvard
                              Business School Press.

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