Page 40 - Operations Strategy
P. 40

WHAT is OPERATiOns sTRATEgy And HOW is iT diffEREnT fROm OPERATiOns mAnAgEmEnT?  15
                             because competition was forcing margins lower as competitors undercut prices. Soon
                             they realised that the greatest potential for profitable growth lay in the conference mar-
                             ket, where competition was not yet as fierce and where its high (but expensive) service
                             levels, ability to give presentation advice and innovation were valued. The right-hand
                             side of Figure 1.7 illustrates how this analysis of the company’s customers and competi-
                             tors sets the performance objectives for its operations strategy.
                               In this case the ‘translation’ logic goes something like the following:

                             1  There are several segments in the lighting design and supply market, but the fastest-
                               growing segment is the conference market.
                             2  Competition is getting tougher in the theatre market because the large international
                               lighting groups are able to provide lower-cost lighting solutions. Also, exhibition
                               venues are increasingly developing in-house operations and encouraging exhibitors
                               to use the in-house service. Margins are being squeezed in both markets.

                    Figure 1.7  the ‘market requirements’ and ‘operations resource’ analysis of the lighting company

                              Operations resources                       Market requirements
                           Operations strategy should build          Operations strategy should satisfy
                              operations capabilities                   the organisation’s markets

                         Resources                                             Customers
                          Equipment                                               Professional theatres
                          Sta                                                     (static, low margins)
                          Reputation                                              Exhibitions (slow
                          Relationships                                           growth, low margins)
                          (internal and                                           Conferences etc.
                          external)                                               (fast growth, higher
                          Experience                                              margins)

                                           Operations        Performance
                        Capabilities       strategy decisions  objectives       Market position
                           Application of      Location         Aesthetically      Traditionally
                           leading-edge       Virtual reality     innovative designs     di erentiated on high
                           lighting and       technology        Presentation advice     service level in
                           sound technology     Supplier        High customisation      theatre and exhibition
                           Articulation of     development                         markets, innovation
                           client requirements     Equipment      of lighting solutions     and service in
                                                                Fast and
                                              tracking system     dependable supply     conference market
                         Processes            structure                         Competitors
                            Integration of     Sta  meetings
                            equipment                                              Big groups dominating
                            supply and client                                      professional theatres
                            requirements                                           In-house operations
                            Design process                                         growing in exhibitions
                            Supplier liaison                                       market
                            process                                                Conferences market
                                                                                   still fragmented

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