Page 46 - Operations Strategy
P. 46

WHAT is OPERATiOns sTRATEgy And HOW is iT diffEREnT fROm OPERATiOns mAnAgEmEnT?  21

                              Figure 1.8    the four features of the VrIO framework

                                                                               Organisation + value +
                                  Organisation +                               rarity = short/medium-
                                  value = at least                               term competitive
                                    parity with                                    advantage
                                                  Are your          Are your
                                                 capabilities      capabilities
                                                 valuable?           rare?
                                                         contributes to

                                                Is operations
                                                organised to        Are your
                                                 exploit your      capabilities
                                                  capabilities?     inimitable?
                                  Organisation =                              Organisation + value +
                                    potential to                              rarity + inimitability =
                                   contribute to                              long-term competitive
                                  competitiveness                                 advantage
                             Source: From Slack N. (2017) The Operations Advantage, London: Kogan Page. (Reproduced by permission.)

                             the firm. Of course, this assumes that these strategic resources beyond the boundaries
                             of the firm can be readily accessed. In other words, the relationships between opera-
                             tions within a supply network are suitably strong and/or collaborative, and the synergy
                             between resources within each firm sufficiently close, to make access to another firm’s
                             resources valuable.
                                 A theatre lighting example (continued)
                               As an example of the operations resource perspective, we return to the lighting business
                             described earlier. Its market requirements analysis had indicated a shift towards target-
                             ing commercial companies who needed lighting designs (and often specialised equip-
                             ment) for sales promotion events, conferences, displays and exhibitions. An analysis
                             of the firm’s resources, processes and capabilities revealed that the company’s history
                             and experience of advising theatrical producers was a valuable asset, particularly in the
                             conference market. It allowed them to excel at understanding how to translate some-
                             one else’s vision into theatrical reality. Furthermore, their lighting and sound techni-
                             cians were experienced at reprogramming equipment and configuring equipment to
                             fit almost any concept their clients wanted. These skills, combined with an intimate
                             network of contracts with equipment and software suppliers, enabled the company to
                             outperform competitors and eventually dominate this (for them) new market. In order
                             to maintain its competitive advantage, it opened new sites in a number of locations
                             where existing and potential customers were located, all of which had a resident light-
                             ing and sound design expert. The company also developed a virtual reality simulation,

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