Page 482 - Operations Strategy
P. 482
case study 14 • OperatiOns strategy at galanz 457
exhibit 4 galanz price-cutting cycle
Low labor costs
Low land costs
Attract relocation Fully utilize the
of production line production facilities
to Galanz and resources
Expand the overall
production capacity
Achieve greater
economies of scale
Lower production costs Build more production lines/adopt
more advanced technologies
O er products at
much lower prices
Capture larger
market share
Generate more
Source: Galanz Enterprises Group Co. Ltd.
ovens ranged from RMB 1,000 to RMB 3,000. Consequently, Galanz decided to cut
prices to gain market share from its competitors. From 1996 to 1998, Galanz cut prices
of all its microwave ovens by 30–40 per cent. Its lowest-priced microwave oven could
be less than RMB 300. It continued to launch price wars between 2000 and 2002 and
finally the company achieved its leading position in both the domestic and global mar-
kets (see Exhibits 3 and 5 for stages of Galanz’s price war).
Galanz’s price-cutting mechanism relied on setting the average unit cost of produc-
tion along its growth curve. That is, when production volume reached two million
Z14 Operations Strategy 62492.indd 457 02/03/2017 13:59