Page 15 - Kuning dan Oranye Imut Warna Warni Tugas Kelompok Presentasi
P. 15

Daftar Pustaka

         Emberley, Ed. 1996. Picture Pie: A Drawing Book and Stencil. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.

         Gek, Tan Bee. 2003. My Big Book of 8 Smart Ways. Singapore: Ednovation.

         Graham, Melanie, dan Stanton Procter. 2003. Songs and Chants. Hong Kong: Longman.

         Kohl, MaryAnn F., dan Jean Potter. 1998. Global Art: Activities, Projects and Inventions

         from Around the World. Beltsville: Gryphon House.

         Leong, Dawn-joy. 2004. Tune In Primary Music. Singapore: Longman.

         Muchlis, dan Azmy. 1990. Lagu-Lagu untuk Sekolah Dasar dan Lanjutan: Lagu Daerah.

         Jakarta: Musika.
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