Page 1 - Private Wealth Professional Moderate
P. 1
MyNorth Managed Portfolios
Quarterly update for quarter 30 June 2023
Returns as at 30 June 2023
Investment objective
3 6
Aims to deliver returns above the benchmark Since 1 Month Months Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years
peer group over a rolling 3-to-5-year period. inception* (%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (%)
Key information Total return¹ 1.27 0.38 0.99 4.97 5.15 - -
Income 2.56 0.05 0.20 0.44 3.28 - -
Code NTH0233
Growth -1.29 0.33 0.79 4.53 1.87 - -
Manager name Insight Investment Benchmark² 1.08 0.86 1.31 4.96 7.55 - -
* Since inception returns begin from the month end immediately following portfolio launch.
Inception date 24 March 2022
Benchmark Morningstar Australian Asset allocation
Multisector Balanced
Average Category
Asset class Diversified
Number of underlying assets 32
Minimum investment horizon 5 years
Portfolio income Paid to Cash Account
Management fees and costs '0.56%
Performance fee '0.00%
Estimated net transaction costs '0.04%
Estimated buy/sell spread '0.11%/0.11%
Risk band/label 4/Medium as at 30 June 2023
Minimum investment amount $25,000
About the manager
Insight Investment Consultants Growth assets Allocation (%)
Insight Investment Consultants is a specialist Australian Equities 15.9
investment consultancy firm founded in 2013 International Equities 29.6
and was one of the first retail investment Property 3.9
consultants to provide tailored services to Other 0.0
financial advisers and licensees. Insight
Investment Consultants focus on providing Total 49.4%
professional, unbiased and transparent Defensive assets Allocation (%)
services in the following areas: • investment
portfolio construction and management • Australian Fixed Interest 21.8
investment committee and governance • International Fixed Interest 23.7
product research and monitoring, and • Cash 5.1
communications and reporting. Insight Total 50.6%
Investment Consultants services managed and Asset allocation data sourced via Morningstar® from the underlying fund manager.
non-managed account firms across a variety of
platforms. Insight Investment Consultants’
objective is to build robust portfolios that will
perform consistently, delivering superior risk
adjusted returns in most market conditions
and remaining competitive relative to
benchmarks over the long term.
1 The managed portfolio performance represents total return for the periods. Returns have been calculated using the time-weighted method, they assume distributions
are reinvested and are after investment management fees and indirect costs. Total and growth returns include accrued distributions, while income return includes paid
distributions only. Returns do not take into account tax payable. Individual client returns may vary based on the contributions, withdrawals, and timing differences within
the managed portfolio
2 The benchmark is calculated based on the average performance from peers in the same multi sector category, as compiled and sourced from Morningstar Direct on June