Page 15 - PSK24 FSCG - Brendan Burrows
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We do not receive commissions on investments through new superannuation, managed funds or
retirement products. However, some products, particularly older products, may attract commissions
and will cease with effect from 1 January 2021.
Any commission amounts will be disclosed to you when providing my advice. The following table is a
guide of commissions we may receive.
Product type Initial commission Ongoing commission Example
Insurance (including those On insurance policies
held within implemented from 1
superannuation) Up to 66% of the first January 2020, if your
year’s premium for new insurance premium was
policies implemented from $1,000, we would receive
1 January 2020. Up to 33% of the an initial commission of up
insurance premium each
We may receive following year. to $660.
commissions on increases
or additions to existing We would receive an
policies of up to 130%.
ongoing commission of up
to $330.00 pa.
All fees and charges include GST.
If an agreed advice fee is charged then we may rebate all or some of the commission.
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