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PSK Mortgage Solutions
PSK Mortgage Solutions provides you with information on a range of
mortgage and loan options.
Who we are: PSK Mortgage Solutions can help you:
Buying a property is an exciting time. It can also • by conducting a complimentary mortgage health
be daunting and, at times, overwhelming. At PSK check
Mortgage Solutions, we’re here to help.
• with advice on how much you might be able to
Whether you’re buying a home to live in, investing, afford to borrow
looking for commercial property or to refinance, we • with pre-approval and securing an interest rate,
can connect you with advice and products to suit even if you haven’t found the perfect home yet
your individual needs. decide what loan type and features might be
right for you
With access to more than 300 products across all • understand how your mortgage solution fits
major banks, we can negotiate on your behalf, not with your other financial investments and
only saving you money but providing you with peace arrangements
of mind in knowing you have the right solution for
your circumstances.
PSK Mortgage Solutions is part of PSK Private
Wealth, a financial advice specialist firm offering a
wide range of services that focus on every client’s
unique goals and needs. Our personalised strategies
put you in control of your financial future. No matter
what you want out of life, we can help you get there.
We’re here to help
Francis Raymond - National Mortgage Services
Mortgage Hotline 0418 850 815
Level 12, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Your full financial needs and requirements need to be assessed prior to any offer or acceptance of a loan product. PSK Mortgage Solutions Pty Ltd
is an Authorised Credit Representative of Connective Broker Services Pty Ltd. ACL 389328. Credit Representative 369300