Page 2 - PSK_Private Wealth_E-Brochures_Advisory Services
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                                    Established  in  1969,  PSK  Private  Wealth  is  a  leading  financial
                                    services provider.

                                    Our success has been achieved through mutual trust, developed
                                    over many years of providing advice services to our clients and
                                    their families.

                                    OUR PROMISE

                                    At  PSK  Private  Wealth,  our  aim  is  to  help  you  achieve  financial
                                    success and peace of mind by providing you with a personalised
                                    financial strategy.

                                    Our  qualified  financial  advisers  have  the  expertise  and
                                    commitment  to  provide  professional  financial  planning  advice
                                    and ongoing service.

                                    Our  key  focus  is  to  guide  you  through  the  maze  of  financial
                                    issues  and  priorities  to  help  you  achieve  your  unique  financial
                                    needs  and  objectives.  Our  personalised  financial  strategies  put
                                    you in control of your financial future.

                                    HOW WE CAN HELP YOU

                                    We can help you grow your investments, protect your assets
                                    and provide surety of income in retirement.

                                    GROWING YOUR           PROTECTING        PROVIDING
                                    INVESTMENTS            YOUR ASSETS       INCOME IN
                                    >  Guidance on         >  Risk and       RETIREMENT
                                      budgeting and         insurance        >  Retirement
                                      goal setting          analysis           planning
                                    >  Savings and wealth  >  Business       >  Superannuation
                                      creation strategies   succession         planning
                                    > I nvestment planning  planning         >  Centrelink
                                    >  Pre-retirement      >  Estate planning  planning
                                      planning                               >  Self-managed
                                    >  Salary packaging                        superannuation
                                    > Gearing strategies

                                    QUALITY FINANCIAL ADVICE

                                    > Puts you in control
                                    >  Helps you achieve your life goals
                                    >  Prepares you for life’s challenges
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