Page 3 - PSK Macarthur Financial Services
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            We look at your entire financial position, your needs and what you want to achieve in life before
            helping you plan how to get there. Then we guide you through a simple step-by-step process to
            create a financial plan tailored specifically to your needs.

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            ADVICE PROCESS        YOUR GOALS            OPPORTUNITIES         YOUR PLANS            TRACK WITH
                                                        AND RISKS             TO LIFE               REGULAR
            We look at your       At our first meeting                                               ADVICE
            entire financial       we get to know        Understanding your    We will work
            position, your needs   each other; we       circumstances,        closely with you      We will review your
            and what you want     discuss your current   goals and attitudes   to implement your    strategies regularly
            to achieve in life    situation, your life   to risk – investment   financial strategy   and you will benefit
            before helping you    goals and values      risk and life risk –   step-by-step, so     from our ongoing
            plan how to get       to understand how     we will investigate   you can have as       support and
            there. We guide       financial advice can   the range of          much control as       advice. We will stay
            you through a         benefit you and        financial options      you like, know        in touch, ensuring
            step-by-step process   your family.         available to help     where your money      your plan stays up
            to create a financial                        you reach             is going and why.     to date as your
            plan tailored to                            your goals.                                 life changes.
            your needs.

                                  OUR ONGOING COMMITMENT                     OUR PEOPLE
                                  It’s difficult to predict if and when things   Our advisers are fully qualified experts
                                  may change, and even harder to keep up     in personal finance and investment. We
                                  with frequently changing legislation and its   are committed to ongoing professional
                                  implications. We provide ongoing advice and   development and education to give you the
                                  management of your strategy, including regular   most up to date technical knowledge and
                                  performance reporting, communication about   advice, tailored to your needs. Our experience
                                  investment markets and maintenance of your   and specialist knowledge helps you make sense
                                  investment portfolio and insurance coverage.  of all your options, so you can choose the best
                                                                             solution for you.
                                  OUR DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN
                                  You can contact us at any time, particularly if   We observe a strict and comprehensive Code
                                  things change. Our team is always available to   of Professional Conduct, and are subject to
                                  talk with you.                             stringent compliance and audit guidelines.
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