Page 4 - Lewin, Diana - Review Report - July 2020
P. 4
Our business Our promise
Our business was established in 1969 and At PSK, our promise is to help you
is headquartered in Sydney’s CBD with achieve financial peace of mind by
offices in Parramatta, Campbelltown and providing you with a personalised financial
Central Coast. strategy, backed by our expertise and
commitment to research, which ensures
Our success has been developed over our planning, advice and service will help
many years; achieved through mutual trust you meet your goals.
and providing comprehensive advice
services to our clients and their families. Our team has a very clear understanding
of what our purpose is – to help you
We have a dedicated team of Advisers, protect the assets that you have taken a
Paraplanners, Client Services and lifetime to build.
Administration staff who deliver quality
financial planning services. It is part of the values that our firm was
built on 50 years ago, and we are proud to
Whilst PSK has grown to become one of be able to continue the promises made by
the largest advice practices in the county, the people that came before us at PSK.
our aim today is the same as it was in
1969 – quite simply, to provide advice that
puts you first.