Page 10 - Hogan Stephen_Review Report_August 2020
P. 10
Selection process Given the focus on being forward-looking,
that means that approximately 80% of our
Taking into account the investment policy, time is spent on the qualitative
the selection process encompasses a assessment with the remaining 20% spent
number of steps. The process is flexible in on quantitative analysis.
terms of order of execution, and the
emphasis placed on each element of the 3. Consideration of research from
other sources
process may vary depending on the
parameters and market conditions, and to This includes review and analysis of data
ensure due consideration is given to from sources such as retail research
strategies that may be innovative and houses, institutional research coverage
appropriate to evolving circumstances. and broker reports.
1. Consideration of the parameters for 4. Meetings with fund managers
each portfolio (investment universe)
On a stand-alone basis, this is the most
Clients will usually provide an objective important part of the research and
which includes parameters or specific selection process, as it allows detailed
requirements. There will be times where investigation into their philosophy and
this does not happen; however, this is management style.
quite rare. Where this does occur, it is
important to attempt to extract any biases Meetings with portfolio managers are
or predispositions that could cause focused on ‘5 p’s’:
complications at a later date. a) people
Where no requirements or parameters are b) process
provided, our investable universe is
guided by the objective of the portfolio. c) parent
This can result in both a very large or very
small universe. d) price, and;
Where the universe is overly large, we will e) performance.
screen-out managers and products based Meeting with senior analysts or other key
on an assessment of best practice and the decisions makers is especially important
identification of an investment edge. where there is a team-based approach or
Where the universe is so small it hinders a flat hierarchical structure is prevalent.
sound portfolio construction or meeting of For example, where a strategy derives the
objectives, we will re-engage with the majority of idea generation and/or alpha
client to ensure they are comfortable with from particular part of the market, then
the direction of process and analysis. that analyst/sector head should be
2. Qualitative and quantitative analysis engaged with. Where there is quite a
heavy top-down approach and a senior
Whilst the analysis and assessment of any economist or an external consultant is
product is somewhat backward looking, used, they will also be an integral part of
our analysis aims to be as forward looking the discussion.
as possible. This includes a particular
focus on whether the product and
manager’s success is repeatable, whether
the market environment now and in the
medium term is conducive to the
manager’s style of investing, and whether
the team dynamic and quality staff will
remain with the organisation into the