Page 2 - PSK Financial Services - Super Checklist
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Super is an investment for your future. A PSK financial adviser can
help you to understand your company benefit, how you can grow
your balance and how best to manage this asset for your retirement.
PSK can assist you with super housekeeping basics, accumulation
strategies and transition to retirement planning.
Nominate a beneficiary Ensure your fund has your details
A beneficiary is a person/s you nominate to receive Maintaining current contact details on your account
your super benefits (death benefit) if you die. Without ensures you will always receive important updates
a beneficiary, your fund Trustee makes this decision; regarding your super and insurance updates
payment of benefits is also slowed. ongoing.
Consolidate your super Features & benefits
Consider consolidating all your super accounts Check if your fund offers a range of discounts on
into one fund to save fees and keep track of your financial and lifestyle products. Do you know how
balance. Check exit fees and insurance cover which to access these benefits? Family Member Accounts
may discontinue and cannot be replicated before may
consolidating. also be available.
Investment strategy Contribute to super
Is your fund’s default investment option the right Will relying on your employer’s super guarantee
one to help you achieve your financial goals? Are contributions provide sufficient funds to achieve
you aware of other options available via your fund’s your retirement goals? You can make additional
investment menu? contributions to super – note limits apply. Seek
professional guidance and understand potential tax
implications first.
Check your insurance
Insurance provides a contingency plan to protect PSK can help you to grow your
you and your family against financial hardship and investments, protect your assets
stress should the unexpected occur. Is your existing and provide surety of income in
insurance adequate for your needs?
retirement, regardless of your
chosen superannuation product.
For further assistance contact:
Jo O’Brien Nick Fraietta
Corporate Consultant Senior Partner & Financial Adviser
02 9324 8847 | 0407 529 093 02 9324 8807 | 0417 238 363
PSK Financial Services Lv 6, 44 Market St, Sydney NSW 2000