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Changes to Underlying Investments

               Why we are making the change

               We have reviewed the underlying holdings to ensure the portfolio continued to contain our highest
               conviction picks and their associated blending (portfolio construction) remained appropriate
               considering our expectations of the forward period. This review resulted in the following changes to
               the investment lineup:

               Insurance Australia Group (IAG) – Sold - the company’s share price has moved above our expectations
               and our assessment of fair value, more importantly. As such, we’ve sold this stock to allocate to new
               ideas with better upside opportunities. These are the stock sales we like.

               Downer Edi (DOW) – Sold – the company’s share price has recovered strongly from recent lows in
               February 2023. We expected a recovery. However, the dividend recovery has been slow which was a
               sensible approach from the company given issues they were trying to resolve. Whilst we expect the
               dividend to increase in the forward period, we think there are better income opportunities available
               with additionally better upside.

               Metcash (MTS) – Bought – a company we’ve been tracking for some time waiting for an opportunity
               to buy. We’ve struggled to include stocks from the consumer staples sector in the portfolio (additive
               given they provide an element of defence to the portfolio) given their general lack of yield, but
               Metcash’s yield is healthy, and we expect this to remain. We think management have done a great
               job with the company and like the small bolt-on acquisitions which provide increased scale.

               Transurban (TCL) – Bought – a company we’ve been tracking for a long time waiting for an entry point
               given heightened valuations over time. The company has consistently grown their dividends by 5-10%
               per annum over a long period of time. Management is very strong and there’s current capacity for the
               business to expand their road network here in Australia and offshore. We like the defensive nature of
               earnings and the potential for growth in their dividend.

               Betashares Australian Bank Senior Floating Rate Bond ETF (QPON) – Bought – this investment has
               been included in the portfolio as part of the increase in defensive assets discussed above. The ETF
               provides exposure to some of the largest and most liquid senior floating rate bonds issued by
               Australian banks. There is little to no interest rate risk here with an attractive yield and high level of
               security given issuers are only Australian banks.


                   PSK Financial Services Group Pty Ltd (ABN 24 134 987 205) trading as PSK Private Wealth and Employee Representatives of PSK Advisory Services Pty Ltd trading as PSK Private Wealth are all representatives of AFS licensee, PSK
                   Advisory Services Pty Ltd (ABN 30 008 587 595) AFSL #234656. This document contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to
                   consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information.
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