Page 34 - Product catalogue 2024 NY
P. 34

Love Hurts
                                                                                                                12 €
                                                                                                                8x6 cm
                                                                                                                upon request

                    HANDMADE PAPER MACHE PINS

        Prepare to rock your outfit with Studded Betrayal’s funky and fear-                              These paper mache pins are like wearable works of art, so it’s important to treat them
        less paper mache pins! Each pin is a burst of bold colors and quirky                             gently to preserve their beauty:
        designs, lovingly crafted by hand to ensure maximum personality.                                 Avoid Water: Keep your pins dry and avoid exposure to moisture, as water can damage
        Explore our lineup of playful characters and hilarious creations, from                           the paper mache.
        cheeky slogans to “love hurts” sad hearts with googly eyes. These                                Handle Carefully: Handle your pins with care to prevent bending or crushing. Avoid plac-
        pins are as unique as you are—no cookie-cutter designs here, just                                ing heavy objects on top of them.
                                                                                                         Store Safely: Store your pins in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity.
        pure artistic expression!                                                                        Consider storing them individually or in a protective box to prevent accidental damage.
        Wear your individuality proudly with our paper mache pins. They’re                               Clean with Caution: If cleaning is necessary, use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe the sur-
        not just accessories; they’re conversation starters, mood lifters, and                           face of the pins. Avoid using water or cleaning solutions.
                                                                                                         Wear Sparingly: While our pins are durable, wearing them sparingly will help prolong
        instant mood boosters. Get ready to pin on some smiles!                                          their lifespan and keep them looking their best.
                                                                                                         Remember, each pin is a unique piece of art, so treat it with the care it deserves to en-
                                                                                                         sure you can enjoy it for years to come!
        @studdedbetrayal   #studdedbetrayal                                             34
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