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Pakistan VISA Requirements                                              UPDATE : 15-Feb-25
            ➢  Scanned Passport Copy

            ➢  Soft Copy JPEG file format of Passport Size                           Fare List Part 10
                Photo with White Background
                 (35mm W x 45mm H)                                                 PAKISTAN : Page 01
            ➢  Complete Visa Application Form
            ➢  Copy of ID Card (IC)                                                   Deposit Min RM4000
           PAKISTAN                                            D1    KUL/BKK   TG 416   1320/1430    B777        02:10

                                                               D1    BKK/ISB
                                                                                                   B359        05:05
                                                               D11  ISB/BKK   TG 349   1900/2210    B359        05:10
                                                                             TG 350
           OVERSEA                                             D12  BKK/KUL   TG 415   0905/1215    B777        02:10
          PARTICIPANT     PAKISTAN12-TG                        Note : KUL=KLIA / ISB=Benazir Bhutto
           RM11,800                                            Time Different : Minus 3hrs behind M’sia Time
            + Visa                                             Currency : RM100 / RS2980 (Paskistan Rupee)

                                      D10N                 Related image  ** For reference, subject to change **

                                                                        BEST SEASON : SPRING & AUTUMN

                                                                          ALTITUDE : MIN 600M ~ 4733M

                                                                                       (EARLY BIRD PROMO)
                                                                                           Oct 17 & 24
                                                                           ss.2500      RM 14,999 - RM 500
                                                                                          Child - RM 500

          ➢  Visit the beautiful valleys of Swat and Hunza and
              glacial Streams from the lofty snow capped

          ➢  Travel through the KARAKORAM HIGHWAY, the
              greatest wonder of modern Pakistan and one of the   Child TWIN RM14,800             Autumn
              most spectacular roads in the world.           Child Without Bed RM12,800
                                                             NO TRIPLE SHARING      2025
          ➢  Visit Baltit Fort, an ancient fort dating back 700 years               OCT
              ago, and visit Altit village, the birth place and first                         
              capital of the Hunza Kingdom.

             HOTEL USED OR SIMILAR :-                              Unlimited                  
             Islamabad     1N : Serena - 5✩                        Drinking
             Swat          1N : Swat Serena                        Water

             Chilas        1N : Shangri-la Lodge
             Hunza         2N : Serena Inn          Best
             Duiker        1N : Eagle Nest                     Maximum
             Gulmit        1N : Silkroad Lodge   Available
             Giligit       1N : Serena                         to 12 paxs
             Besham        1N : Hilton
             Islamabad     1N : Marriot - 5✩                   per group

                          Misc Charges (Included)   RM
          Age 71~85     1)  Travel Ins PREMIER < 71yo   252
           RM479        2)  Visa Service Fee      30
                        3)  Tipping               480
                            Total                 762

                          Ticket Extension :  NO DEVIATION
                            AA (For GTT use only)   2437
         Airport Check-in   AC (For GTT use only)   2437
             1 Piece

             20kg       The above are subject to change without prior notice
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