Page 7 - November 2020 1 to 48_Neat
P. 7

Quiz for under 11 years old   5. Which one of these is a fish: A shark, a
              (answers on the back page)      whale or a dolphin?
       1.  How many days are there in       6.  How many colours are there in the
         November?                            rainbow? (and a bonus for naming
       2. What two countries have land borders   them)
         with England?                      7.  What do tadpoles turn into?
       3.  Which Disney cartoon features the two  8.  What is the fiery liquid that flows from
         lead characters mistakenly eating the   a volcano?
         same piece of spaghetti at the same   9.  What is the highest mountain in Great
         time?                                Britain?
       4.  What is the first name of Peppa Pig's   10. In Stuart Little, what kind of animal is
         elephant friend?                     Stuart?

               About 4 miles from Gloucester and 1 from Stank Bridge on the Canal.
                                    WILLIAM DANCEY
         WILL SELL BY AUCTION, at the NEW INN HOTEL, GLOUCESTER, on Friday, 22  June,
                               1900, at Four for Five o’clock.-
          MADAMS END COTTAGE, a FREEHOLD, detached, brick, and well-built and slated
          DWELLING-HOUSE, occupied by Mr Weaving, at £10 per annum, the tenant paying
          rates. It contains two sitting and three bedrooms, kitchen, back kitchen, larder and
             Garden adjoining, containing Wood-built and Tiled Shed and Earth Closet.
                The property is in good repair, and there is a good supply of water.
          Further particulars obtained from Messrs Hannam-Clark, and Co. Solicitors, Queen
                               Street and of the Auctioneer.
        Gloucester Journal. 9th June 1900

                                  Hardwicke Matters

       Hardwicke Matters is run by a group of 60+ volunteers led by a committee

       Val Porter       Chair, Deputy Treasurer, Advertiser Accounts team
       Hazel Penrith    Treasurer
       Andy Mumford     Editor and Web team
       Valerie Lockley   Advertiser Account team
       Peter Hill       Distributor team
       Kevin Marsden    Secretary, Editor and Web team

                   The closing date for articles and adverts for the
                          December edition is 6th November

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