Page 16 - ALGBTIC News Magazine - Fall 2019
P. 16
ing for oneself and making positive changes in one’s Need to develop your competence in working
environment. Therefore, one way that counseling cen- with Queer & Trans people?
ters can advocate for clients is by helping them learn ALGBTIC has several ways to help you on
ways to advocate for themselves when facing discrim-
ination as well as connecting them with emotional your journey!!!
support groups that foster a more positive environment.
Therapeutically working on self-esteem bolstering, Join us for our monthly webinars where we host
managing relationships, and dealing with transitional exciting and skilled speakers working in the field to
issues can also be particularly beneficial for not only provide a 2-hour long webinar for our members for 2
transgender students of color, but all trans students NBCC Credits. Our speakers are always from iden-
(Bith-Melander, et al, 2010). Resources such as the tities that correspond with the topic and their profes-
True Inclusion Toolbox for providers, through the True sional work. Members and students receive signifi-
Color Fund, can assist college counselors in under- cant reductions in cost for attending a live webinar.
standing how to support these students in advocating More information on the webinars can be found here:
for themselves and knowing their rights.
This piece is designed as an introduction to issues and Missed one of these webinars? No problem! Follow-
needs of trans students, therapeutic modalities and ing the webinar, the workshop is turned into an online
interventions that have been found to be helpful work- course where you can get all of the materials, listen to
ing with individuals and even small groups, as well as the webinar and then take a 10-question assessment
ideas and resources that may help counseling centers and get your CE Certificate immediately! Members
work with on and off- campus partners to develop an have a significantly reduced cost for access to any
inclusive, supportive, and safe space which is critical to of our courses! You can learn more about our online
the success of trans students. courses here:
Reference Don’t need CE Credit but want to see the training?
Beemy, B., Curtis, B., Davis, M., & Tubbs, N. (2005). Transgender issues Want to show the workshop to colleagues, students, or
in college counseling. New Directions for Student Services, 111, 49-60. supervisees? We also offer unlimited video access to
any of our webinars/courses! You can find our train-
Beemyn, G., & Brauer, D. (2015). Trans-inclusive college records: Meet- ing videos here: If
ing the needs of an increasingly diverse U.S. student population. Trans- you are a counselor educator and would like to embed
gender Studies Quarterly, 2(3), 478-487. doi:10.1215/23289252-2926455
the video into a learning platform, just email ginicol-
Bith-Melander, P., Sheoran, B., Sheth, L., Bermudez, C., Drone, J., Wood, for the embed code!
W., & Schroeder, K. (2010). Understanding sociocultural and psychologi-
cal factors affecting transgender people of color in San
Francisco. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 21(3), 207- Coming soon is our Rainbow Counselor Certificate,
220. doi:10.1016/j.jana.2010.01.008 which is an educational program relating to the AL-
GBTIC competencies for working with Queer and
Coleman, E., Bockting, W., Botzer, M., Cohen-Kettenis, P., DeCuypere, G.
Feldman, J., Fraser, L., Green, J., Knudson, G., Meyer, W.J., Monstrey, S., Trans people. Graduates of this program will receive
Adler, R. K., Brown, G. R., Devor, A. H., Ehrbar, R., Ettner, R., an ALGBTIC Rainbow Certificate and are listed on
Eyler, E., Garofalo, R., Karasic, D. H., Lev, A.I., Mayer, G., Meyer-Bahl- our LGBTGEQIAP+ Knowledgeable Therapists
burg, H., Hall, B. P., Pfaefflin, F., Rachlin, K., Robinson, B., Schechter,
L. S., Tangpricha, V., van Trotsenburg, M., Vitale, A., Winter, S., Whittle, Resources page. If you would like to help with the
S., Wylie, K. R., & Zucker, K. (2012). Standards of care for the health of development of this program, please email Misty at
transsexual, transgender, and gender non-conforming people, version 7. We are slated to launch
International Journal of Transgenderism, 13(4), 165-232. doi:
10.1080/15532739.2011.700873 this program in April 2020.
Couture, V. (2017). Counseling transgender college students: Perceptions Join us in our competency journey as we learn how
of college mental health clinician’s preparedness. College Student Journal, to be more effective counselors with queer and trans
51(4), 463-472.
people together.