Page 29 - QT FALL 2020 Preliminary Project Sheets_ FLIP BOOK
P. 29

Southwest Crossing Quilt

                                           Featuring Southwest Reflections

                                                                          69½" x 80"
                                                     Designed by Sue Harvey & Sandy Boobar

                                                              of Pine Tree Country Quilts


         Southwest Crossing Quilt (69½" x 80")

            P3994B ALL                YARDS                  BOLTS    28259 A          28259 J      28264 Q      28262 J                28263 T

         0 16542 22611 2                                     12 KITS

28259 A                               1                         1
28259 J                               1                         1
28264 Q                               ½                         1
28262 J                               ½                         2     27881 A          27881 E      27881 EA     27881 QY                28263 E
28263 T                               ½                         1     Reflections      Reflections  Reflections  Reflections            Backing Only
                                                                      inc Binding      0 16542 15517 7 0 16542 15521 4 0 16542 15577 1

27881 A Reflections includes Binding  1¼                              0 16542 15505 4

27881 E Reflections                   2¼

27881 EA Reflections                  1⅓

27881 QY Reflections                  ½                                     PATTERNS                Pattern Name: Southwest Crossing
                                                                                                    Pattern Number: PT1868
28263 E Backing only                  5                                          6 PIECES           Wholesale Price: $4.75/pattern

           Approx. TOTAL YARDS IN PROJECT: 8⅞                         FOR SALE PATTRN 3994B         Pattern cover will show this quilt image.
                                                                                                    6 Pattern minimum
         (Total yardage does not include suggested backing)            0 16542 22612 9
                                                                                                    Skill Level: Intermediate
           Project includes 9 Prints / 11 Bolts                                                     Tri-Recs half-diamond ruler set and 6” x 12” diamond ruler
                                                                                                    helpful but not required. Templates given in pattern.
         0 1 6 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 Project Sheet 3994                                                 Quilt is made in sections that are put together with 2
                                                                                                    simple partial seams.

© Dan Morris for QT Fabrics                                  See reverse                                                         FOR SALE PATTERN
                                                                                                                              Ships March – Fall 2020
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