Page 18 - October Edition
P. 18
E The master suite is located on the
xtraordinary custom-built golf
course home in Reynolds Lake main floor. The second level has
Oconee offering the combination of great privacy for your family and
unparalleled design, materials and visiting friends. It has its own
craftmanship throughout its 5800+ kitchenette and family room. Three
square feet. This 4 bedroom, 3 bath, additional bedrooms and 2
2 half bath home is situated on a rare bathrooms are on this floor. This
golf lot that offers tremendous golf home is well designed with great
views along with dramatic views to closet and storage space
the lake. everywhere, including a huge cedar
The layout of the main floor is
perfect for entertaining and gives The yard is professionally
you the feeling of easy living. An landscaped and maintained. For the
amazing screened porch off the discerning buyer this home must
family room and a beautiful walkout simply be seen to be appreciated.
stone floor patio with pergola off the This is a great opportunity to buy
living room makes you feel close to your dream home and enjoy the
nature. You will experience serene and gorgeous scenery with
breathtaking sunsets while looking your favorite cocktail in one of the
over the green of the 5th and the tee most beautiful golf and tennis
box of the 6th hole of the Bluff - Tom resorts. The lake is perfect for
Fazio designed National Golf Course. boating, jet skiing and other
The setting could not be more watersports..
Owners would like to downsize. Priced to sell. Make an offer!
*Seller is paying for a one year HOME WARRENTY contract at closing!
**Seller is making a golf membership available.