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Our Process
Before We Start Project Files
We familiarize ourselves with Please send us your logo in
your brand, brand standards, png, jpg, and share your
website, and social media branding standards, color hex
profiles. We complete a codes, fonts, photos of the
detailed audit. We discuss with staff, photos we can use (if
you your goals and objectives available), and login
We'll send you a detailed information to all profiles we'll
proposal and a contract. Once be working on.
the contract is signed, we're
ready to start.
Launching Afterwards
We work on a detailed Content will be presented on a
strategy. Implement innovative bi-weekly basis. Performance
concepts and keep up to date reports if required will be sent
with all changes, new once per month. Upcoming
techniques, industry trends and events, new services, and
optimize all profiles. We'll promotions will be
create a content plan on a communicated and executed in
weekly basis and submit for a timely manner.
your approval, if required.