Page 5 - August 2023 Newsletter
P. 5

August Birthdays:                                             BUSINESS OFFICE

         Ben Sicard - 6th                                                         CORNER
         John Tesi - 10th
                                                                  Hello from HR.
         Greg Marciniak - 11th

         Chris Lacey - 14th                                       I hope everyone is well and
         Logan Cherry - 14th
         Renae Gugler - 17th                                      As you know, we have moved
                                                                  into our new super spacious
         Kris Tanton - 19th                                       location and are celebrating the

         Tim Wells - 23rd                                         move very soon.  I wish every-
                                                                  one could be here to share in
         Donovan Reed - 24th                                      the festivities.  You are all wel-
         Tommy Panpradith - 24th                                  come!
         Rose Dawson - 25th                                       It is a little way down the road, but time is flying by.  We will
                                                                  begin Insurance talks in September.  All plans and costs will
                                                                  be reviewed and compared to other options.  Once decisions
         ISS Anniversary                                          have been made on what will be offered to employees, we

         Marquis L. Laude - 08/01/2001                            will begin those discussions with you.   The official “OPEN
                                                                  ENROLLMENT” will begin in November with all changes
         Todd Troyer - 08/17/2010                                 going into effect December 1, 2023.
         Gregory Cardwell - 08/18/2014                              Enjoy the sunshine and summer weather – wherever you

         William Monahan - 08/18/2014                             may be!
         Timothy Schombert - 08/18/2014                           Thank you to everyone.  You are appreciated.  Please keep up

         Benjamin Sicard - 08/18/2014                             the good work.  As always, let me know if the HR/Business
                                                                  office can help you in any way.
         Edward Sicard Jr - 08/18/2014

         Randy Smith - 08/18/2014                                                                     Contributor: Laura Cox

                                                                                        ISS Business Office Manager
         Lloyd “Mike” Stevens - 08/18/2014
         Donovan Reed - 08/16/2017
         Summer Troyer - 08/03/2020

         Felipe Esteban Jr - 08/17/2020
         Tristin Brickett - 08/23/2021

         Alex Brown - 08/25/2022

         ISS Event Calendar:

         Friendship Day - 06th

         National Aviation Day - 19th
         Senior Citizens Day - 21st
         Women’s Equality Day - 26th
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