Page 2 - ISS NEWSLETTER - August 2022
P. 2

ISS Review

                                                                 ISS Store


                                                                 Ever wished that you could get something to show off

                                                                 the company you work for?
              Todd Troyer                     Scott Levitt
                                                                 Well, you are in luck. The ISS clothing store is open
     Current Project                                             for business!

                                                                  Here are just a few of the items you can find at this
     Fort McCoy Phase 8 & Maintenance &                          amazing site.

     ISS Managers: Todd Troyer
     Technicians:  Ben Hoth & Rex Stevens

     Sub-contract: Advanced Electric & Security, Inc. (AES)

     Phase 8: Plan, procure, and install a stand-alone
     ACS  for  the  NCO  Academy,  which  includes               We have brands like:  Spyder, Puma, The North
     buildings 1361, 1363, 1364 and 1365. Provide a              Face, Under Armour, Carhartt, Nike, New Era,
     complete ACS that meets the requirements of the
     PWS and attachments, to include all equipment,              OGIO, and Eddie Bauer.
     materials, documentation, and labor to implement
     this  ACS.  ACS  system  equipment  and
     components shall be compatible with the standardized ACS utilized
     at Fort McCoy, WI.

     M&S: To date, July 2022, ISS saw multiple Service Orders (SO) that
     totaled approximately $1,000,000.00.

                     Maintenance  and  Service  (M&S)  of  the   So, go out and look. You might find a few things
                     following  systems  at  Fort  McCoy:  Electronic   you can’t live without.
                     Security  Systems  (ESS);  Computer  Aided
                     Dispatch  (CAD)  System;  Intercom  System;
                     Security Radio System; NICE Radio Recording
                     System;   Transaction   Information   for
                     Management  of  Enforcement  (TIME)  System;
                     Key  Management  System,  exterior  marquee
                     displays, wireless data transmission system; and
     all  ancillary  security  network  equipment  that  supports  the  above-
     mentioned systems.
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