Page 4 - ISS NEWSLETTER - September 2022_Final
P. 4
ISS Review
Announcements HR Corner
Contributor: Kim Berosik
September Birthdays:
Good September to you.
Glen Esterer – 8 As you have seen we are going
Clayton Anderson – 16 through some growth changes.
Tommy Connolly – 27 One of those changes is the addition
of a company bulletin board. Human
Resources will be updating the HR section with new and
ISS Anniversary essential information.
James Hill – 9/8/2014 Also, if you are one of those people that are busy and
forgot to read the Employee Handbook, the deadline was
Glen J Esterer – 9/26/2016 August 31, 2022. Take a moment to read the handbook
John L Williams – 8/14/2018 and sign the two pages in the back portion of the
Please feel free to contact me at 406-755-2504 ext. 213
HR Inspiration:
ISS Event Calendar:
Labor Day – September 5
Fall Begins – September 22
Notes from the ISS Newsletter Staff
It was brought to our attention that the ISS
Newsletter for August had an error. Mr. Rex
Stephenson was miss printed as Rex Stevens.
We do apoligize for this error.