Page 3 - October 2022 Newsletter
P. 3

CURRENT PROJECT                                                ISS TRAINING

                                                                                          Many of you are slightly, or
                                                                                          maybe extremely, over-
                                                                                          due on your First Aid/CPR
                                                                                          certification. Or you have
                                                                                          no certification. Have no
                                                                                          fear because we’re going
                                                                                          to take care of that!

                                                                                          For those of you that do
                                                                                          not live here or are fre-
                                                                                          quently on site we have
             Todd Troyer                  Scott Levitt           an instructor scheduled to do certifications during
                                                                 the safety training day on Thursday 12/22. And for
                                                                 those of you that are local, mostly working in the
          Maintenance & Services                                 office, we’ll have that same training after the first
                                                                 of the year. The goal is that every ISS employee be
        Department – Integrated                                  certified in First Aid and CPR which includes an on-
                                                                 line course as well as an instructor led training.
           Security Solutions, Inc.

                                                                 Stay tuned, I’ll send out an email regarding your
                                                                 online training portion. These cannot be more than
                                                                 60 days in advance of the instructor led portion so
       ISS Manager: Todd Troyer & Scott Levitt                   will have to be completed in Nov/Dec for the De-
                                                                 cember training. A separate email will go out to the
                                                                 local group for training after the first of the year,
       Technicians: Jeromy Wagner, Nate Taylor, Tim
       Wells, Ben Hoth, and Greg Marciniak                       when I can schedule it with our instructor.

       Located in sunny Kalispell, Montana. Against              Just a reminder, once you’ve completed any course,
       the Rocky Mountain Range, nested in the Flat-             please forward certificates to me, plundin@mtiss.
       head County.                                              com, Eddie Wise,,  and Kim Ber-
       ISS has a complete department that is
       dedicated to the maintenance and service
       contracts. These could be local customers, or in
       different countries. ISS was recently awarded a
       USAG contact for a region in Germany.
                                                                          CLICK HERE TO VIEW

       Some of the contracts the M&S Department                               THE HOME PAGE
       are currently in charge of are DPG Dugway,
       Fort McCoy, Gathright Dam, Office of Justice
       Procedures, WBAMC Medical Center Fort Bliss,
       and Savannah Locks & Dams.

                                                                                          Contributor: Peggy Lundin
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