Page 249 - Half Girlfriend
P. 249


                The Gates Foundation’s head office in the United States is in
           Seattle. It is where Microsoft is based and where Bill Gates lives. Apart

           from that, they have an East Coast office in Washington. In New York,
           they often work with their partners on various projects. Since I had

           insisted on New York, Michael had given me a place on a Foundation
           project with the United Nations. The UN world headquarters is located

           in mid-town New York. On my first day to work, I walked to the 86th

           Street station on Lexington Avenue. I took train number four and got
           down at Grand Central Station on 42nd Street, walking half a mile to

           the massive United Nations Plaza complex. After a three-layered
           security process, I reached the office of the UNFPA, or the United

           Nations Population Fund.
                ‘Mr Jha, welcome. Come in.’ A forty-year-old black man twice my

           width met me in the reception area.
                I entered an office filled with books and reports.

                ‘Olara Lokeris from Uganda. Worked with the Population Fund for
           ten years. I will be your mentor.’

                The Gates Foundation had granted 57 million US dollars to the
           UNFPA to educate youth on preventing HIV/AIDS in African

           countries. I had to make a report on the project’s progress. Of course,
           I had no experience either in Africa, or in making a report.

                ‘I run a school in Bihar, India. I’m sorry, but this Africa ahd HIV

           research is all new to me.’
                Olara smiled. His white teeth glistened in his large face.

                ‘Don’t worry. Making reports is much easier than running an actual
           school,’ he said.

                Olara spent the rest of the afternoon explaining the various
           databases maintained in the project to me.

                ‘Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania and Botswana are the four main
           countries of focus,’ he said.

                He briefed me on other logistical and administrative issues related
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