Page 245 - Wilhelm Wundt zum siebzigsten Geburtstage
P. 245
Fluctuations of Attention aud After-images, 233
rather rapid cbanges which are perceived in our empirical conscious-
It would, moreover, be quite in keeping with the doctrine of
psycho-physical parallelism (so far as this may tum out to be valid)
to hold tbat the fluctuations are psychical no less than physical.
For if it were shown definitely tbat they are due to variations in
tbis or tbat organic function, it migbt also be inferred tbat a cor-
responding psychical change, eitber directly or indirectly, would be
the accompaniment. And if it were furtbennore shown tbat the
variations occuiTed in some central process, the presumption would
be tbat the parallel psychical fluctuation took place in the attention
rather than in any sensory process.
On the other band, if it be held tbat the fluctuations are purely
organic, whatever be their seat, then two alternatives are presented:
eitber the attention is ruled out as a mere name, superfluous for
purposes of explanation and simply indicative of a certain phase of
Sensation; or, attention is treated seriously as a transcendental. For
it is acknowledged to be somehow a function of consciousness and
yet it is placed beyond the reach of change, or at least beyond any
sbare in the cbanges tbat appear in consciousness. There is, no
doubt, a tbird possibility, namely, tbat one shall speak of »so-called
fluctuations of the attention«. This is a safe coui*se and is, to some
extent, in vogue just now. It is to be boped tbat no future investi-
gator will feel obliged to transpose the terms and describe »fluctuations
of the so-called attention«.
So far as the discussion bas been limited to the organic functions,
the main issue bas been tbat conceming the seat of the fluctuations.
The net result of the evidence is in favor of a central, rather than
of a peripberal, origin. The fact tbat fluctuations occui* wbether the
Stimuli are visual, tactile or auditory, plainly suggests tbat some centre
common to the different senses is the source of the fluctuations. To
this must be added, for visual stimidi, the argument from exclusion.
It bas been shown i) tbat when the cibary muscles are paralysed by
the injection of atropine, the fluctuations continue. More satisfactory
1) Pace, Zur Frage der Schwankungen der Aufmerksamkeit u. s. w. Philos.
Studien, Vin, S. 388.