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ISSN 1989–4104                  ARQUEOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA 4 (2009)                                 47

         Acknowledgements                                     REFERENCES

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         Philippines Diliman for funding support through the PhD  — 2008a. Identity and Reciprocity in 15th Century Philip-
         Incentive Award.                                        pines. BAR International Series 1813. Oxford: John and
            Thank you also to Professor Peter Lam, Mick Atha,    Erica Hedges Ltd.
         Cy Calugay, Kennis Yip, Louise Cort, David Rehfuss,  — 2008b. Preliminary Report on the Survey in Southeas-
         Yukie Sato, and Donna Arriola for identifying some of   tern Batangas from 10 April to 2 May 2008. Unpublis-
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