Page 53 - Planet Rotschild vol. 2. - The forbidden history of the new world order
P. 53

an Ambassador. In 1943, Willkie publishes a book entitled: One World.

                   ‘One-Worlder’ Wendell Willkie: The media’s artificially puffed-up "instant
                             Republican" was recruited to "throw the match" to FDR.

                                                 NOVEMBER, 1940

                                            TO BRITISH OFFICIALS

               As far back May of 1939, as revealed by the front page of the New York Times,
               the Vatican had been trying to mediate between Britain and Germany. Hitler was
               ready and willing to talk peace at all times. It was the British who said “no”.

               The peace-seeking Vatican and peace-seeking Germany remained in contact as
               the  war  raged.  The  following  excerpt  from  Martin  Allen’s  'Himmler's  Secret
               War'  describes  a  meeting  held  in  Spain  between  the  Papal  Nuncio  (Foreign
               secretary)  and  British  officials  Hoare  and  Hilgarth;  and  the  latest  peace  offer
               from Hitler:

               "The nature of the concessions that the German Fuhrer was prepared to make in
               order to obtain peace with Britain must have astounded the men at the head of
               SO1. This was not even a deal worked out through a process of hard negotiation.
               It  was  Hitler's  opening  offer  so  generous  and  pragmatic  that  it
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