Page 133 - Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
P. 133
he discovered that oil-drilling by the PEMEX company jeopardized the
ruins. By determined lobbying of the politicians of Tabasco (within which
La Venta lies), he arranged to have the significant finds moved to a park
on the outskirts of the regional capital Villahermosa.
Taken together these finds constitute a precious and irreplaceable
cultural record—or rather a whole library of cultural records—left behind
by a vanished civilization. But nobody knows how to read the language of
these records.
Above left: Profile view of the head of the Great Sphinx at Giza, Egypt.
Above right: Profile view of Olmec Head from La Venta, Mexico. Below
left: Front view of the head of the Sphinx. Below right: Front view of
Olmec Head. Compare also opposite page, top left: Sphinx-like Olmec
sculpture from San Lorenzo, Mexico. Is it possible that the many
similarities between the cultures of pre-Columbian Central America
and Ancient Egypt could have stemmed from an as-yet-unidentified
‘third-party’ civilization that influenced both widely separated
regions at a remote and early date?