Page 200 - Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
P. 200


                     It is at this point that the strange  parallels with the traditions of the
                   biblical flood begin to crop up, for Ahura Mazda takes advantage of the
                   meeting to warn Yima of what is about to happen as a result of the
                   powers of the Evil One:

                      And  Ahura  Mazda spake unto Yima saying: ‘Yima the  fair  ...  Upon the  material
                      world a fatal winter is about to descend, that shall bring a vehement, destroying
                      frost. Upon the corporeal world will the evil of winter come, wherefore snow will
                      fall in great abundance. ...

                      ‘And all three sorts of beasts shall perish, those that live in the wilderness, and
                      those that live on the tops of the mountains, and those that live in the depths of
                      the valleys under the shelter of stables.

                      ‘Therefore make thee a var [a hypogeum or underground enclosure] the length of
                      a riding ground to all four corners. Thither bring thou the representatives of every
                      kind of beast, great and small, of the cattle, of the beasts of burden, and of men,
                      of dogs, of birds, and of the red burning fires.

                      ‘There shalt  thou  make  water flow. Thou shall put birds in  the  trees  along  the
                      water’s edge, in verdure which is everlasting. There put specimens of all plants,
                      the loveliest and most  fragrant,  and of all fruits  the most succulent.  All  these
                      kinds of things and creatures shall not perish as long as they are in the var. But
                      put  there  no deformed creature,  nor impotent, nor mad, neither  wicked, nor
                      deceitful, nor rancorous, nor jealous; nor a man with irregular teeth, nor a leper
                   Apart from the scale of the enterprise there is only one real difference
                   between Yima’s divinely inspired var and Noah’s divinely inspired ark: the
                   ark is a means of surviving a terrible and devastating flood which will
                   destroy every living creature by drowning the world in water; the var is a
                   means of surviving a terrible and devastating ‘winter’ which will destroy
                   every living creature by covering the earth with a freezing blanket of ice
                   and snow.
                     In the  Bundahish,  another of the Zoroastrian scriptures (believed to
                   incorporate ancient material from a lost part of the original Avesta), more
                   information is provided on the cataclysm of glaciation that overwhelmed
                   Airyana Vaejo. When Angra Mainyu sent the ‘vehement destroying frost’,
                   he also ‘assaulted and deranged the sky’.  The  Bundahish  tells us that
                   this assault enabled the Evil One to master ‘one third of the sky and
                   overspread it with darkness’ as the encroaching ice sheets tightened their

                   3  Vendidad, Fargard II, cited in The Arctic Home in the Vedas, pp. 300, 353-4.
                     New Larousse Encyclopaedia of Mythology, p. 320.
                   5  West, Pahlavi Texts Part I, p. 17, London, 1880.
                   6  Ibid.; Justi, Der Bundahish, Leipzig, 1868, p. 5.

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