Page 226 - Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
P. 226
Recondite influences
The sun’s gravitational domain, in the inner circles of which the earth is
held captive, is now known to extend more than fifteen trillion miles into
space, almost halfway to the nearest star. Its pull upon our planet is
therefore immense. Also affecting us is the gravity of the other planets
with which we share the solar system. Each of these exerts an attraction
which tends to draw the earth out of its regular orbit around the sun. The
planets are of different sizes, however, and revolve around the sun at
different speeds. The combined gravitational influence they are able to
exert thus changes over time in complex but predictable ways, and the
orbit changes its shape constantly in response. Since the orbit is an
ellipse these changes affect its degree of elongation, known technically
as its ‘eccentricity’. This varies from a low value close to zero (when the
orbit approaches the form of a perfect circle) to a high value of about six
per cent when it is at its most elongated and elliptical.
There are other forms of planetary influence too. Thus, though no
explanation has yet been forthcoming, it is known that shortwave radio
frequencies are disturbed when Jupiter, Saturn and Mars line up. And in
this connection evidence has also emerged
of a strange and unexpected correlation between the positions of Jupiter, Saturn
and Mars, in their orbits around the sun, and violent electrical disturbances in the
earth’s upper atmosphere. This would seem to indicate that the planets and the
sun share in a cosmic-electrical balance mechanism that extends a billion miles
from the centre of our solar system. Such an electrical balance is not accounted
for in current astrophysical theories.
5 The Biblical Flood and the Ice Epoch, pp. 288-9. Fifteen trillion miles is equivalent to
fifteen thousand billion miles.
Ice Ages, pp. 80-1.
7 Earth in Upheaval, p. 266.
8 New York Times, 15 April 1951.