Page 7 - FEDUP_New Roadmap Card_For Web
P. 7

Panel 7                                            Panel 8                                            Panel 9

       18)  Let others know how you feel.  Get lots of   creek, and as the creek grows, it becomes a small river.
            bumper stickers that support your political   Many small rivers will join together and as millions of   Note: This article is not copyrighted and is
            views, put one or two on your car and give   conservative efforts come together, you will help build   intended for distribution far and wide without
            the others to those who share your views.   a mighty river that will wash over the progressives lies   restriction.  Please feel free to distribute this
       19)  Subscribe to Hillsdale College’s free       and anti-American policies.                             article as is, or parts of it, or edit it, or even
                                                                                                                add your name to it.  FedUp PAC waives any
            monthly Imprimis newsletter, take                          Lead or Follow,                          and all claims to copyrights or ownership to
            Hillsdale’s free online classes, study and                    but please                            this article.
            arm yourself with the knowledge necessary
            to defend the conservative position around               get involved Today
            the table in your hands, online, and in your   I am reminded that in 1775 at the Battle of Lexington
            everyday conversations.                     and Concord no general commanded our patriot             Don’t wait for a conservative or
       20)  Make copies of this document and            ancestors to defend their community and their rights   Republican leader to suggest action --
            distribute them to family, friends,         against the British.  Those who fought that day simply
            neighbors, and others.  There is no         rushed to the sound of the guns.  Today, while our          you are the leader we need!
            copyright, so you can take my name off      tools are not the muskets of our ancestors but rather
            and add yours or an organization/business.    our voices, phones, e-mail, talk radio, blogs, cable TV,
            This is how we’re going to get tens of      websites, and social media, the urgency for individual
            millions of new people educated and         action is equally pressing.
            involved in saving America.                 “I KNOW THY WORKS,         Rush Towards the

          Conservatives as Modern-day                   THAT THOU ARE                                                 Paid for by FedUp PAC.
                                                        NEITHER COLD
        Paul Reveres Can Save America                   NOR HOT: I WOULD                                          Not authorized by any candidate
    Folks, there is a CIVIL WAR going on in America.    THOU WERT COLD                                               or candidate’s committee.
    Progressives/Marxists are committed to driving God,   OR HOT.  SO THEN
    traditional values, and conservatives out of America.    BECAUSE THOU ART                                             Richard A. Viguerie
    The only thing standing between them and success is   LUKEWARM, AND                                                  Chairman, FedUp PAC
    us—conservative grassroots America.                 NEITHER COLD NOR           Sound of the Guns                         P.O. Box 1370
                                                        HOT, I WILL SPUE
    The bottom line is, we’re going to save America by   THEE OUT OF THY                                                  Manassas, VA 20108
    educating and empowering millions of grassroots     MOUTH.”  Revelation 3:15-16 - KJV                        Because FedUp PAC is an Independent
    Americans like YOU to become modern-day Paul                                                                 Expenditure political action committee,
    Reveres, spreading the word to family, friends,     Don’t wait for a conservative leader or a politician to   donations are not limited in amount, and
    neighbors, and others that the socialists/Marxists   suggest activity.  You know there is a war going on    corporate contributions can be accepted in
    are in control of the Federal Government.           between the forces of good and evil.  Lead or follow,   support of electing a Republican Congress.
    Educating and encouraging others to join us will    but please get involved today.                            Contributions may be used to cover costs of
    be like a spring of water bubbling up from the      “THEN I HEARD THE VOICE OF THE LORD                     communications, compliance, administration, and
    ground, or raindrops that fall to the ground and    SAY, ‘WHOM SHALL I SEND?’ AND ‘WHO                      fundraising for FedUp PAC’s projects to achieve a
    become a small stream.  The small streams one       WILL GO FOR US?’ AND I SAID, ‘HERE AM I.                 governing constitutional conservative majority.
    by one begin to join together and become a small    SEND ME!” – ISAIAH 6:8 - KJV

                           7                                                    8                                                   9

                       Panel 5                                               Panel 6
            Secretary/Treasurer, membership chairman,          Amazon, Target, Delta Airlines, Coca Cola,
            media director, fundraiser, etc.  Get people       and patronize your local, independent (and
            involved,                                          most likely conservative) small business                       Not Sure
            give them a          Democrats for                 entrepreneurs.
            title.  From         Defunding the            Don’t Give the Enemy Any Support
            this expanded         Police NOW
            leadership                                     11)  Encourage and support conservative media,                                       Chairman, FedUp PAC
            pool, the                                          publications, books, websites.  To help              Do you believe the Democrats/Marxists  Constitution, our traditions, and values?   NO
            cream will                                         you find these sources, we quote and link            1.)    Special Reply & Survey  have declared a CIVIL WAR on our   Do you want more brochures
            rise to the                                        them regularly on and
            top and we’ll                            
            have future                                    12)  Volunteer and help political candidates at the                YES
            candidates for school board, City Council,         local, state, and national levels.
            State Legislature, Congress, etc.              13)  On Election Day, become an election official                          order is 15.     Send to:
        6)  If you don’t want to help lead a group, or         or poll watcher/election volunteer.
            encourage others to do so, support them        14)  Talk to family, friends, neighbors—but
            with a donation.                                   especially to your young children and

        7)  Donate to national, state,                         grandchildren.  One evening in the 1970s, I
            local nonprofits and                               was out West with my 12-year-old daughter                               $250             (over please)
            politicians whose views,                           and friends (a husband and wife who are
            values, and activities                             national conservative leaders) invited us to
            you’re in agreement with.                          dinner.  At dinner was a “prodigal son” who

        8)  Listen to conservative hosts   Talking to          had, at college, wandered away from his
            on radio and TV, especially   Neighbors            parents’ views and values, but had returned.                            $100
            Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin,                           I asked my friends at the dinner table, “when                               My Best Gift $___________
            Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham.                he was a boy, did you talk to him about
                                                               your views and values,” and they said, “no.”
        9)  Get involved in your local Republican
            Party, perhaps first at a precinct or county       Please don’t make that mistake.  By example       What Can YOU Do to Save America?      against our Constitution, traditions, and values.  I too
                                                               and words, share your views, values, and
            level.  If your precinct doesn’t have a                                                                 YES, Richard, the Democrats/Marxists have started a CIVIL WAR  may become a socialist/Marxis
            Chairman—volunteer to be the Chairman.             politics with your children, grandchildren,
            Also, volunteer to serve on committees             nieces, nephews, etc.                                                                      City ________________________ ST______ Zip ___________
            and task forces.  Go to the meetings and       15)  Give gift subscriptions to publications that
            become a delegate to the county, state, and        will educate and reinforce your views,
            national conventions.                              values, and politics.                                                   $35     $1,000

       10)  Don’t give the enemy support in any way,       16)  Write, call, and meet with elected officials,
            including money.  Years ago, I stopped             including members of Congress and State
            buying The New York Times, The                     Legislatures—especially Democrats.
            Washington Post, and watching NBC,             17)  Encourage, urge, and push those who share                              $25     $500
            CBS, ABC, etc.  Learn to live without              your politics to be registered and to vote.                       in 2024:

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