Page 6 - FedUp_175N_Newsletter
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co-workers, and others to give, share, forward, post,
their families, friends, neighbors, fellow church-goers,
that happen. When our 2,000,000 CPR Riders contact
stop court packing. FedUp PAC’s CPR Riders can make
on here before they can be persuaded to take action to
Donate to Help Recruit CPR Riders:
But the voters must understand what’s really going
soundly in poll after poll.
Sign-Up As a CPR Rider at:
people do not support court packing and have rejected it
makeover of America. Most important, the American
that would pave the way for a complete socialist/Marxist
super-legislature with a strong leftist majority. In turn,
would turn the Supreme Court into nothing but another
a co-equal branch of our government. Court packing
If Biden succeeds, the judiciary would no longer be
and save America!
Supreme Court, stop Biden and the New Democrats,
President and wants complete control of our government.
both!) to be at the vanguard of this crusade to save the
idea. Today, it seems being a bonehead is ok now that Biden is
Senator Biden, in 1983, called court packing a “bonehead”
CPR Riders. Sign up or give generously today (or do
its recruitment efforts from one million to two million
lead this fight but must have additional funding to boost
it will not happen all by itself. FedUp PAC is ready to
Supreme Court must meet the same fate as FDR’s. But
put down once and for all. Biden’s plans to pack the
The New Democrats’ “Justice Hall Coup” must be
PAC stop Biden’s court packing scheme.
2,000,000 CPR Riders, who in turn will help FedUp
PAC will have the resources it needs to finish recruiting to give generously, so FedUp
at Otherwise, go to
already done so are urged to sign up to be a CPR Rider
still true today.
all the reasons court packing was rejected in the 1930s are
of its supporters. Those who are able and have not
must have the active involvement of each and every one
light for his radical plans like the Green New Deal. But
stretch goal. In order to meet it, FedUp PAC absolutely
four new ultra-leftist Justices, who will give him a green
from FDR’s playbook to pack the Supreme Court with
the urging of its supporters. This is achievable, but it’s a
chambers of Congress. So, Biden is trying to steal a page
one million CPR Riders to two million CPR Riders at
FedUp PAC recently upped its goal of recruiting
along with historically close, razor-thin majorities in both
was elected with no mandate to govern as a radical leftist,
Supreme Court.
programs. Today, Joe Biden is stymied by the fact that he
the New Democrats to abandon their plans to pack the
as a way to ram through his unconstitutional “New Deal”
Hundred Million people to rise up and force Biden and
American. It was rejected 84 years ago when FDR tried it
to alert, educate, activate, and mobilize upwards of One
As a starting point, court packing is unfair and un-
the biased, fake, “mainstream” news and social media,
in turn — it soon creates a ripple effect that bypasses
Democrats’ scheme to pack the Supreme Court.
materials to pass them along to their own contact lists
who will execute FedUp PAC’s program to stop the New
— and then ask the people who receive these campaign
complete its recruitment of the 2,000,000 CPR Riders
donate generously to help FedUp PAC expand and
e-Letters, re-postable digital ads, and strategy memos
e-Reports, pocket BRANDING cards, forwardable
Paul Revere Riders (or “CPR Riders” for short), or else
FedUp PAC’s professionally produced brochures, videos,
not already done so to either sign up as Conservative
like, upvote, and even print and pass along by hand
FedUp PAC is appealing to its supporters who have
Underway to Stop Court Packing
“Join or Give!” — Effort to Recruit 2,000,000 CPR Riders