Page 5 - FedUp_172N_Newsletter
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During the 2020 elections, FedUp PAC gave JUST 1% OF ALL TRUMP VOTERS COULD
grassroots conservatives the tactical tools (videos, CREATE OUR ARMY OF CPR RIDERS
pocket voter guides, sample e-letters, etc.) to spread the
conservative message and bypass the biased mainstream Just think of the impact you and I could have this year
media. The result: in 2021 if even 1% of the 75,000,000 Americans who
voted to re-elect President Trump joined us, using their
• FedUp PAC’s 16 internet videos were viewed by cell phones and computers to send FedUp PAC video
over 1,400,000 people in the months leading up links or sample voter e-Letters to their social networks.
to the election. That’s three quarters of a million Americans spreading the
conservative message and organizing opposition.
• FedUp PAC’s 18 digital ads reached 2.5 million
targeted eligible voters. Now THAT would be a political force to be reckoned
with. Even the coronavirus
• FedUp PAC’s website had 58 thousand views in can’t stop FedUp PAC’s
the two months running up to November 3rd.
grassroots Conservative Paul
To our knowledge, no other conservative political Revere (CPR) Riders!
action committee empowered grassroots conservatives With the Biden
with hard-hitting campaign tools on its website to Administration starting its
BRAND the New Democrats as anti-God, violent, open transformation of America
borders, elitist, socialist/Marxists.
into a socialist/Marxist
Today, the Marxist transformation of America is country, you and I must
shifted into overdrive. Radical House Speaker Pelosi’s get busy right now saving
H.R. 1 already passed the House on March 3rd, shifting America. Drawing on our
the battle to stop it to the Senate. And Joe Biden’s experience gained in the
“America last” agenda has already eliminated thousands Democrat House Speaker 2020 elections, our army
Nancy Pelosi’s H.R. 1 bill
of jobs by cutting off the Keystone Pipeline for unreliable would rig elections to keep of conservative Paul Revere
windmill-generated electricity, allowed biological men Republicans/conservatives (CPR) Riders is the solution
to compete in women’s sports, and opened our southern from ever winning control to pass on to our children
border to unrestricted illegal immigration. of the White House or and grandchildren the free
Congress again.
nation we inherited.
That’s why we must do all we can between now and
the 2022 congressional elections to fight their agenda and WE MUST ACT NOW!
win back Congress.
Again, I ask: Is socialism/Marxism in America our
legacy to our children and grandchildren? Or will they
inherit the free land of opportunity we inherited from our
Joe Biden’s “America Last” parents and grandparents? To ensure the latter, let’s you
agenda has already and I roll up our sleeves and get busy.
eliminated thousands
of jobs...